Open Letter to the Nazii

Dear Nazii,

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, go fuck yourselves, fuck you, you fucking suck, why can’t you get real jobs you sadistic bastards? Fuck you.

Also, you fucking suck monkey nuts. Fuck you.
Where is the money going? We pay all of this money all of the time and WHERE is it? What the fuck is wrong with this university that the Parking Nazii have to be soooo uptight? The stick up your asses must have a stick up it’s ass. Zeus!

fucking hate,
Pixel Q.

p.s. Fuck You.

Dear Nazii, Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, go fuck yourselves, fuck you, you fucking suck, why can’t you get real jobs you sadistic bastards? Fuck you. Also, you fucking suck monkey nuts. Fuck you. Where is the money going? We pay all of this money all of the time and WHERE is it? What…