Month: March 2005

The Pix Capacitor Presents…

What is the Pix Capacitor?The Pix Capacitor is a viewspaper where all sorts of craziness takes place. Socrates, Sigmund Freud, and Albus Dumbledore run rampant through the pages, and a beaver named Gabe gives advice to people who have tried asking every other species with no avail. The Pix Capacitor also has horoscopes, crossword, wordsearch,…

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New Forgiven Person

I know a good number of you (1) will think I’ve sold out, but I am hereby cancelling all active pranks on all unfounded accusers. No sense pranking somebody who’s trying to apologize.. And besides, I hate negative feelings. Erica is my friend again. And not the type of friend where I mysteriously leave our…

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New Favorite Person

I officially take back this post. Wow, it’s crazy how quickly I turn coat like that. All it takes is one compliment and I have a new favorite person. And one attack and they become a victim to a new elaborate prank. hmm… Also, a question: is an ecosystem worth something in and of itself?…

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Dear world, I’m back. Good for me. Oh, and what the bleep does “What the BLEEP Do We Know” know? I thought to myself at least fifty times that I would sit next to a beautiful woman on the forty-seven hour ride home, but instead I sat next to a series of increasingly obese people…

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That is so sweet

Made way to update my blog today because Amelia misses me (p.s. she is now my official favorite person. Take that Drew! Phhhbbbtt!!) I’m here in my good bud T-Rob’s dorm playing Halo whilst I put off doing actual work or even pseudo work. Pah! Work is for non-Spring Break related moments in time. In…

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Indiana, Pennsylvania

Apologies my soon to be many lovely lady friends (the many is soon, not the ladies), but for the past few days I’ve been on a bus, smelling like a Bus Person, and talking to increasingly prolific people (in the naughty way) and thought more and more how they were the exact people that should…

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