
I used to be popular. I never knew why. I’ve never tried or cared. And now I’m not popular anymore, but not for any change in my part– just the nature of college.

And I understand why I’m not popular now. I’m a bit much for the average person. I’ll give you a taste:

I like the environment, I’m against animal testing, against hunting, against factory farming (and as a result, against eating meat), for abortion, for euthanasia, (inclusively for all forms of suicide. I say “it’s your life, end it at your discretion”), distrustful of law enforcement, distrustful of the government, not a Christian, for gay marriage, against the war in Iraq, distrustful of Intelligence operations, against the PATRIOT Act, destest the man who calls himself our president, against Social Security Privitization, against authoritarian governments, yet for many government social programs including limiting business growth and management.

I’m a pickle, I am. Yet, I believe I’m right (big whoop, eh? Everyone believes they’re right). Go ahead, ask me anything: I’ll give you a perfectly eloquent response as to why I believe the way I do. But fiiiiirst, let’s play a game. You tally up all of the points you agree with me with, then tell me your score. For instance, I’d get 19, because, conceivably, I agree with everything I say I believe.

I’d be surprised if anybody got above a 15… My views are sometimes too radical for the establishment.

Update (1:30 a.m.) — I’m also straight edge without the label (i.e. no alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes, no meat, and no more sody-pop). If you think that’s lame, I think you’re lame… also addicted to things that only hurt you. You humans are silly sometimes.

I used to be popular. I never knew why. I’ve never tried or cared. And now I’m not popular anymore, but not for any change in my part– just the nature of college. And I understand why I’m not popular now. I’m a bit much for the average person. I’ll give you a taste: I…


  1. 1)I like the environment, we only get one earth. 2)I’m against animal testing-from a biological standpoint they feel as much as we do. 2)Passive on hunting.3)I’m for abortion, in that I’m against it, but I’m more for women’s rights than I’m against it, thus, I’m for it. 4)For euthanasia-my mums a nurse, so I understand this. 5)Distrustful of law enforcement-They work for the gov’t. 6) Distrustful of the governemnt, it works for business. 6)AM a christian/pseudo-christian 6.5)For gay marriage, s’long as they don’t bug ME about it 7.5)Anti-war/Pro-veteran 7.5)Believes there’s nothing better than intelligence, especially in war, though, there’s no intelligence to GOING to war, unless to defend
    8.5)against patriot act 9.5)Hated bush since before his first term- ask Mr. Helm’s 8th grade class 10.5)Social security keeps old people from eating my garbage 11.5) I’m with Ghandi on Authoritarianism
    12.5)Business has too much power
    13)Against eating meat, but I do, because a bit is healthy, americans do eat too much meat though

    Damn, I’m confused. W/e,
    *turn inside out*

    Somebody get a mop!