Character Profile: Frankie Styx Jr.

Birth Name: Francisco Mariscal Gonzalez (México) / Francisco Mariscal Jr. (USA)
Born: 18 March, 1982
Height: 1.81 meters
Weight: 88 kilos
Known Powers: Superhuman ability to summon Pixel, ability to say the exact wrong thing at the worst moment and laugh about it, extreme annoyance, life-wasting gaming skillz which Pixel and his mates still beat him at. Unjustified Arrogance.

Biography: Frankie grew up in a nice family with a brother he enjoyed playing with more than his brother enjoyed playing with him. Throughout school, he was very popular and happy, though his grades were always a cause for concern. Though they were not terrible grades, but they paled in comparison to Pixel’s continual straight A’s.

Frankie had an annoying brother mentality even with people who weren’t Pixel. Frankie and his cousins always fought or got along in such a way as to amuse Frankie and annoy everyone else. This did not seem like a pattern to anybody then, but in retrospect seemed quite evident to anyone who could recall.

However, Frankie became the social bug to Pixel’s inadequacies with human interaction. Frankie was a foil for Pixel’s lack of any discernable skills, interest in sports or games, or abilities to make friends. As they grew older, Frankie only became more and more popular, though he was not without heart. In fact, though he had a terrible way of showing he cared, it was obvious to anyone who knew him that he really did care about people.
In high school, he often let his brother tag along with him and his friends as they went out and had fun. This was in spite of what his friends said.

Frankie graduated high school in 2000 with a huge group of friends he loved.

In the Series: When Carver’s BT started, Frankie was gone. At first, the series led us to believe that he had gone on to college and was going to be the advice-giving brother ever so stereotypical of other works of fiction, but the writers had a different plan. Frankie soon realized that Uni life wasn’t about studying. He joined a fraternity, was kicked out of his home by his ‘best’ mates, failed all of his classes, and moved home.

When Frankie had gone, Pixel had become accustomed to living relatively sibling-less and did not adjust well to his return. Fortunately, neither did Frankie, for even without friends, fraternities, or non-self-induced distractions, Frankie failed to go to any classes and failed yet again. His solution was to join the army.

When Frankie told Pixel about this, he did not believe him at first. Pixel was proven wrong some months later as his parents had a final dinner with the two of them and everyone held hands. Pixel can still remember everyone crying but himself.

Frankie went to boot camp, graduated, and sparingly saw his family every six months or so from then on. The September after he joined, two sibling towers in a large city in America were destroyed by commercial airliners. There was much debate amongst the fans as to whether this was a good idea, but inevitably, the series changed from then on. There was a legitimate fear of Frankie’s death and Pixel became quite a bit more political (though it is doubtful whether this was the cause).

In truth, Frankie didn’t die, the actor’s contract negotiations went smoothly and he appeared sparingly throughout the rest of the series. What happened was far worse. The character of Frankie became an asshole.

Once the antagonist, now he was just an annoyance every time he came. He and Pixel would inevitably argue whenever Frankie came to visit.

Also, it seems as if Frankie never outgrew gaming. He now is a Paladin at a local game of D & D, plays Warhammer 40,000, and various video games he claims he is good at.

Frankie has experienced disappointment and disillusionment continually since he graduated high school. As the people he considered his mates moved on to bigger and better things, Frankie remained with a wide social net and no confidants. His fraternity brothers and army friends were not what he needed as friends. Actually, what he needs as friends he cannot find as his mannerisms and way of interacting preclude this very real need for him to matter to people.

Above all things, Frankie sees himself as a social person who truly cares about everyone he knows. And this may, in fact, be the case, but in reality, the face he shows the world is that of an independent person, too tough to approach who thinks his own amusement is shared by everyone he interacts with.

(As could be seen from when he spent twenty minutes gathering static electricity to shock his wife and mother-in-law, or when he went around his family and tried his basic training’s chokehold on everyone he knew– including his mother–, or his forcing games of Risk with his family again and again.)

Regardless, in December 2003, Frankie and married a Colombian named Yanira whom he had known for six months. Their relationship appears to be gearing up for a b-plot of a future episode, though it is just as likely that the writers will kill off Frankie in desperation for new ideas. Many fans think that the comment he made in a recent episode of him ‘working in Iraq for two years to earn $200,000 to come back and show up his former mates in his ten-year high school reunion’ is a gilded lily to this exact outcome.

Whatever the series may yet yield, Pixel has steeled himself for it. The brother he knew and loved is no more. Or rather: he remains painfully conserved as what he once was, but in a world and body that no longer allow for the same life he so needs.

Birth Name: Francisco Mariscal Gonzalez (México) / Francisco Mariscal Jr. (USA) Born: 18 March, 1982 Height: 1.81 meters Weight: 88 kilos Known Powers: Superhuman ability to summon Pixel, ability to say the exact wrong thing at the worst moment and laugh about it, extreme annoyance, life-wasting gaming skillz which Pixel and his mates still beat…
