The Good Samaritan is Amoral

As you might or might not know, I (the real me, not the me that I make up to seem cool) am applying to graduate school this year. I’m hoping to be Dr. Pixelation Qyw Styx III within five years… which means I’m going to have to retroactively name my dad and grandfather Pixelation Qyw Styx. I hope they don’t mind.

Anyway, for the first time ever I have to actually be serious about something. This isn’t like all those times I’m pretending to be serious, but actually making fun of you. Those times are really hurtful and it’s going to be hard to get out of that rut……… Sorry, I’m just making fun of you. Old habits are hard to break. 🙂

I’m going to be working night and day (but mostly from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a two hour lunch and blog break) for the next few weeks in hopes of doing enough research and writing enough down to eventually whittle down a kickass writing sample.

Originally, this post was going to be an abstract of what my writing sample will be, but I worry that someone might take my idea, so I’ll post the abstract when I’m well into the article. Wish me luck. And if you know anything about evolution or ethics or the ethics of evolution or the evolution of ethics, let me know.

As you might or might not know, I (the real me, not the me that I make up to seem cool) am applying to graduate school this year. I’m hoping to be Dr. Pixelation Qyw Styx III within five years… which means I’m going to have to retroactively name my dad and grandfather Pixelation Qyw…