It's actually a Descartes reference.. sort of

Ghost in the Machine

62. Every time I go somewhere, I have to carry books, a laptop, a notebook, or anything else. I have to. It’s my way to never forget stuff: I just make sure there’s always something to remember.

It's actually a Descartes reference.. sort of

This is supposed to illustrate the philosophical problem of the ‘ghost in the machine,’ which basically says that, if natural explanations can be given for everything, then the supernatural explanation for agency is superfluous. So, basically, I used the word ‘soul’ because it meant more people would understand it… sort of. Anyway, sorry, I posted this at 11:58:39 last night from my laptop in my car off borrowed Internet. I was in a bit of a hurry. 🙂

62. Every time I go somewhere, I have to carry books, a laptop, a notebook, or anything else. I have to. It’s my way to never forget stuff: I just make sure there’s always something to remember. This is supposed to illustrate the philosophical problem of the ‘ghost in the machine,’ which basically says that,…