Month: August 2008

Grad School Games

98.  I have terrible posture, but I’m working on it. This is basically just the Pixelated Games taken to grad school, so I’ll just introduce the games as I develop them, rather than try to make this a running Olympic-style series: The Syllabus Hunt Participants have seven days to collect as many syllabi as they…

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Sometimes, even I wonder if I’m just making it all up

97. I chose the wrong career.  Twice.  But I’ve never been blindsided by this.  Jobs and money were just never important enough for me to care that I was heading in the wrong direction…  that probably explains why I’m sleeping on an air mattress tonight. In June, while walking down a dangerous street in the…

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96.  I cannot imagine the future, at all.  I can’t even think of myself in two weeks: my mind just goes blank.  This has been going on since I turned 21 and realized I was probably going to become an adult after all.  I’d say that I would eventually write a post to talk about…

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What’s this? Why is it all going over me? Could it be that I am in over my head?

95.  My favorite books of all time:  Ender’s Game, The Count of Monte Cristo, the Little Prince.  I like them for different reasons: I can identify with a 12-year-old that was manipulated into xenocide (Ender’s Game), I really admire people that can get things done and who do what they say they’ll do (The Count…

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I mean that in the nicest of ways. 94.  I was never a very black & white kind of person, but I definitely believed there were fewer shades of grey.  I guess getting older has taught me that most things can be explained if you’re just willing to listen. I’m leaving today.  I’ll be driving…

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My mom says I shouldn’t pack the fine China with the bowling balls, I say she’s being too pessimistic

93.  Apparently, when things get serious in an interpersonal/emotional way, I respond by telling jokes.  I’m not emotionally unavailable— honest!— I just think that many times these trains of thought make people sad, so I have to constantly pull over so that the engine doesn’t overheat.  Also, I explain things in metaphor. OMG!  I’m moving…

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