Month: October 2009

My ten least favorite online interactions

When someone comments something that I find offensive, but don’t want to have a public (or worse- via e-mail) confrontation with them about it. Accidentally replying ‘to all’ in an e-mail Replying to the sender about something that concerns the group, then having someone reply to all immediately afterward: making you feel like a secretive…

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Stupid things you can do after a break up

I.  Go back to her Beg Plead Negotiate Claim to just want to “talk” Pretend that you just really want to go back to being her friend II.  Confrontation With her a.  In public b.  In private c.  Out of nowhere (avoid for stalkerish reasons) With some guy (violence optional) a.  In public b.  In…

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Internal Dialogues I

The song is “Cheat on You” by Mike Allan, featuring Rachel Duff. Internal Dialogues – Lola Lies Related posts: A puzzle (part II) In my continuing series of sequels to posts that just don’t lend themselves to sequels, I have come up with a new puzzle for you all to wrack your heads on. This,…

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Emotional Faithfulness

I’m not saying I buy ’emotional cheating,’ but let’s say I did. Even if it truly existed, absence of emotional cheating would not equal emotional faithfulness. There’s a gulf between emotional cheating and emotional faithfulness. Emotional cheating is when you no longer love the person you are with exclusively.  Let us define it as such…

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What’s a little secret life between friends?

Today is my best friend’s birthday.  I spent the past few weeks working on this– in secret– for her.  I did it because she always complains that I never draw her and I countercomplain that she’s hard to draw.  She is!  I had to give her eyelids and an extra finger just to capture the…

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From the heart

Indeed. Related posts: Barely?? In an unrelated topic, it seems that today was barely the first time someone noticed that I’d stopped writing the iep‘s. Twice before this, someone’d mentioned that they read them, but for such avid fans,… The Keys to my Heart Okay, thanks to a good friend of mine, I got the…

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