Month: December 2012

2012 Redux

I do these every year. It keeps me honest. So how did I do this year? Be in better shape than I am now Fail. But not by much. Pass my departmental prelim Success! And… Success!! Contact friends and family every month Fail. This is hard. Do something creative Success! I have now written a…

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Why it’s so hard to talk about politics

It occurred to me this vacation that it was incredibly hard to talk about politics with people. It shouldn’t make any sense that politics would be a touchy issue. Most of us can’t really affect the situation around us. When it comes down to it, unless we’re particularly active or it’s an unusually close vote,…

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Okay, so.

Okay, so I’ve posted less than once per month in 2012. I apologize. I was busy carpeing the diem. So what’s important for my freaders to know: I am now officially getting paid to think. I have 18 months of funding with no obligations except for writing my dissertation. I’m still working on that pesky…

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