Sources: Back to the Future, the Muppets, Inspector Gadget, Dr. Dolittle, Fantastic Four, Dr. Dre, Frankenstein, Tombstone, Doc Hollywood, House M.D., Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, the Cosby Show, Dr. J, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Indiana Jones, Dr. Katz, Dr. Kevorkian, the Fugitive, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Silence of the Lambs, Mega Man, the Watchmen, Doc Martens, Dr. Mario, Star Trek, Dr. McNinja, the Simpsons, James Bond, Spider-Man, the Doctor Oz Show, Candide, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Phil, M*A*S*H, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Sonic the Hedgehog, 30 Rock, Doctor Strange, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Seuss, Ghostbusters, Venture Bros., Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, X-Men, Planet of the Apes, Dr. Zhivago, and (now) me.

I’m a doctor!!!

Dear freaders,
When I started this blog, I was a lowly 19-year-old college student from New Mexico. In that time, I’ve lived in Australia, Seattle, and North Carolina, I’ve had a half-dozen jobs, and I’ve gone through graduate school. As of today, I’m done.

I’ve finished my dissertation and defended it. I’m officially a 29-year-old Ph.D. Just thought you should know.


p.s. I was once told that you have a lifetime limit of three exclamation marks to use in your headlines. I thought it would be a good occasion to use them.

Sources: Back to the Future, the Muppets, Inspector Gadget, Dr. Dolittle, Fantastic Four, Dr. Dre, Frankenstein, Tombstone, Doc Hollywood, House M.D., Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, the Cosby Show, Dr. J, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Indiana Jones, Dr. Katz, Dr. Kevorkian, the Fugitive, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Silence of the Lambs, Mega Man, the Watchmen, Doc Martens, Dr. Mario, Star Trek, Dr. McNinja, the Simpsons, James Bond, Spider-Man, the Doctor Oz Show, Candide, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Phil, M*A*S*H, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Sonic the Hedgehog, 30 Rock, Doctor Strange, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Seuss, Ghostbusters, Venture Bros., Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, X-Men, Planet of the Apes, Dr. Zhivago, and (now) me.
Sources: Back to the Future, the Muppets, Inspector Gadget, Dr. Dolittle, Fantastic Four, Dr. Dre, Frankenstein, Tombstone, Doc Hollywood, House M.D., Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog, the Cosby Show, Dr. J, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Indiana Jones, Dr. Katz, Dr. Kevorkian, the Fugitive, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Silence of the Lambs, Mega Man, the Watchmen, Doc Martens, Dr. Mario, Star Trek, Dr. McNinja, the Simpsons, James Bond, Spider-Man, the Doctor Oz Show, Candide, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Phil, M*A*S*H, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Sonic the Hedgehog, 30 Rock, Doctor Strange, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Seuss, Ghostbusters, Venture Bros., Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, X-Men, Planet of the Apes, Dr. Zhivago, and (now) me.

Dear freaders, When I started this blog, I was a lowly 19-year-old college student from New Mexico. In that time, I’ve lived in Australia, Seattle, and North Carolina, I’ve had a half-dozen jobs, and I’ve gone through graduate school. As of today, I’m done. I’ve finished my dissertation and defended it. I’m officially a 29-year-old…