Month: July 2004

Ind e-Pen XXX

The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+30+++ Introduction ================ Oh, man! Has this week been exciting and mysterious, or what? I mean, first that one classified adventure, then that other confidential rendezvous with the unknown stranger, finally that mysterious test of character and ability. Oh, if only this didn’t have to be forever hidden from the people who…

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Replying to all because I love you so much

Dear Carlos, It’s nice to meet you. I never knew anyone was actually named such a sexy, sexy name. Wow. You must get all of the fine ladies/hos/bee-hotches. And I’m sorry that you heard me wrong. I’m not saying that my friends are stupid, just that they’re the kind of guys that would get stabbed…

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Ind e-Pen XXIX

The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+29+++ Introduction ================ Going to kill someone… This internet thing is ridiculous. Did you know that it’s World-Wide? Isn’t that nuts? I’ve spent all of this week working on my website. Which is still not up. I can’t figure out how to get the links to work or the pictures to… hold…

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Ind e-Pen XXVIII

The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+28+++ Introduction ================ Cock-a-doodle-do! The butler did it! So my friend’s 23 year old brother had a date. I know, it surprised me too. Apparently, he didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t been on very many dates in his life and he really wanted to impress this girl. Somehow, he had…

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Ind e-Pen XXVII

The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+27+++ Introduction ================ Howdy mischevious youths! Today is day one of the Yahoo Group “indepen.” I always feel like saying ‘dence day’ after that, but that would just be silly. I mean, the U.S. Independence Day isn’t for another 365 days! How ludicrous! In any case. This means that now, the tables…

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