From Stephen D:
It’s UNAMERICAN to pay journalists to promote GOP policies, then stonewall the investigation into who in the administration was behind it.
It’s UNAMERICAN to blow the cover of a CIA agent and put the lives of her contacts at risk merely to get revenge against her husband for pointing out this administration’s lies about Iraq’s nuclear program.
It’s UNAMERICAN to lie to the American public about the necessity for war in Iraq, and then to revise the reasons for going to war every time one is proven wrong.
It’s UNAMERICAN to change the House Ethics Rules and to replace the chairman of the Ethics committee, just so one scandal plagued Republican Leader, Tom DeLay, can avoid future ethics charges.
It’s UNAMERICAN to promote lies and otherwise smear the reputation of candidates for federal office who honorably served their country in wartime (Kerry and Cleland) merely for a cheap political advantage.
It’s UNAMERICAN to pass a bill in order to intervene in any private civil matter involving one individual family in order to attempt to obtain a reversal of a verdict merely to score political points with your supporters.
It’s UNAMERICAN to eliminate environmental regulations that protect the health of our children (mercury anyone?) merely to reward the energy and utility corporations that fund your political campaigns.
It’s UNAMERICAN to provide moral and political support to vigilante groups (Minuteman ring a bell?) whose leaders are associated with white supremacism.
It’s UNAMERICAN to force schools to teach religious creation stories and beliefs as the equivalent of well established biological and physical science.
It’s UNAMERICAN to call someone a traitor merely when they dissent from the policies of the current government.
It’s UNAMERICAN to run up the biggest deficits in our country’s history and lie about the fact that they are a direct result of your own tax cutting and spending policies.
It’s UNAMERICAN to intimidate intelligence analysts in order to obtain intelligence reports that fit your pre-conceived notions of reality.
It’s UNAMERICAN to appear before the committee investigating the largest loss of life on American soil from a foreign attacker, and lie about what you knew before the attack occurred.
It’s UNAMERICAN to threaten the mass murder of innocent people in political speeches just because they’re Muslims.
It’s UNAMERICAN to hide the facts about terrorist activity from the American people just because the truth doesn’t confirm that we’re winning the War on Terror.
It’s UNAMERICAN to claim that the Founder intended to form a Christian Nation and never intended the separation of Church and State, when the Constitution specifically prohibits the establishment of any religion, even a Christian one.
It’s UNAMERICAN to pass laws allowing the Federal Government to be able to search the library records of any American without a Court Order merely by claiming they may be a constitute a terrorist risk.
It’s UNAMERICAN to claim that American are not entitled to a right of privacy, and that Government should be entitled to decide what can be done with their bodies and what they may do in the privacy of their own homes.
It’s UNAMERICAN to tell me what sexual practices I can engage in with my wife or any other consenting adult, based on someone’s interpretation of the Bible.
It is UNAMERICAN to invite the citizens to the meeting and then reject their entry especially when their tax dollars are helping to pay for it, and the plane he rode in on.
It’s UNAMERICAN to de-prioritize infrastructure necessities like roads and railways yet approach Congress asking for yet another $82 Billion dollars for a war which you promised would finance itself.
It’s UNAMERICAN to allow a contractor who is receiving US taxpayer money to “lose” $8 billion dollars and demand no accounting of that money.
It’s UNAMERICAN to despoil the pristine arctic wilderness, cause monumental environmental damage and dislocation, and threaten the habitat of some of the most awesomely beautiful wildlife in the world, so that oil stock prices can go even higher.
It’s UNAMERICAN to tell me what I can and cannot say about our Government’s leaders, especially regarding their war policies.
It is UNAMERICAN to sanction torture
It’s UNAMERICAN to say I don’t support the troops if I oppose the war in Iraq.
It’s more UNAMERICAN to claim you support the troops at the same time you’re failing to provide them with adequate armor and forcing them to stay in the military past the original terms of their service merely to fight in an unnecessary war. It’s UNAMERICAN to support a war that puts our soldiers in danger when you and your relatives aren’t willing to serve.
It’s UNAMERICAN to say that any one group in American society holds a monopoly on values, or even faith.
It’s UNAMERICAN to demand a religious litmus test for judges and other governmental officials and politicians.