- One commercial on two channels at the same time
- Looking like a stranger
- Having the same birthday as your best friend
- Wearing the same clothes as someone
- Running into your ex-girlfriend the day after you randomly think about her
- It raining just after you wash your car
- Breaking your ankle just after a witchy girl ‘cursed’ you
- Your favorite song playing on the radio on a good day
- Anything having to do with “THE SECRET” that’s not self-fulfilling
Not a coincidence:
- Looking like a parent
- Looking like a milk man
- Steroid use and muscle growth
- Senate subcommittees and lack of progress
- Oil, Islam, terrorism and the deficit
- Having the same birthday as your twin
- Alcoholism and divorce
- Waitresses always hitting on you while you’re sitting at their table, but not at all afterward
- Windows Vista and computer problems
- Nerds liking Star Wars/Trek and anything else that helps them escape their lives
- My being a bad commenter and NaNoWriMo/BloPoMo/GradSchoolApps