Man. There are some beautiful people on this list. There’s also a public service. Hm… Not enough hints? Okay: pretty much everyone I still talk to will know someone on this list.
- Please don’t have a crush on me. I mean, I think you’re pretty cool, but… no. Just no.
- It bothers me to see how people use you. It bothers me because I know I could never do it myself.
- One of my friends thought you were hot, another thought that you were abusive and crazy. I just think you’re pretty fun and cool.
- Why did you have children with that man? He’s a moron, lazy, and will hold you back! I know you knew it ahead of time, but why did you still go through with it?
- You’re gorgeous, and I can look past how devout you are because you don’t proselytize… but you could do sooo much better than your current fiancée.
- My man, he did well when he locked you down. You’re all sorts of cool, I’m glad you two are still together because we get to hang out some times.
- You and Bow go pretty well together. I’m glad it’s worked out so far, because you’re a very cool chick.
- I don’t know if we could ever have been anything. I mean, I was obviously attracted to you, but you were too much for me as far as alcohol, drugs, and everything else is concerned. Still: I’m glad you found someone. Even if you took him from another mutual friend.
- I’m still not over it.. And that’s a good portion of the reason we can never be friends.
- I always found you a bit too loud, big, and obvious. And last time I saw you, I realized that I only ever hung out with you because we had mutual friends… sorry.
- Sorry I screwed over your brother back in 2002. You’re my oldest friend, and I always felt bad about that.
- … I am not sad that you lost your job, but I’m very sad you haven’t gotten your life together since. Sorry I provided emotional support for the women that came up to speak against you.
- This one really is about you.
Navigation: pt. i, pt. ii, pt. iii, pt. iv, pt. v, pt. vi, pt. vii, pt. viii, pt. ix, pt. x, pt. xi, pt. xii, pt. xiii, pt. xiv, pt. xv, pt. xvi, pt. xvii, pt. xviii, pt. xix, pt. xx, pt. xxi, pt. xxii, pt. xxiii, pt. xxiv, pt. xxv, pt. xxvi