I’ve told people about my 10-point rubrik for public bathrooms. Here it is, for the first time ever. Each item present earns the restroom one point. A Perfect 10 is a restroom worth planning trips around. What does the restroom nearest you score? The one at the Guglhupf scored a 9 before I used it. It’s probably a 4.5 now. My bad.
- There is running water
- There are toilets/urinals that work
- Toilet paper is in good supply
- Toilet Paper is two-ply or more
- Toilets have doors
- Flushing is appropriate
- There is soap
- There is no grime/stuff lying around. In other words: it is pretty clean.
- The soap/faucet/drying devices are appropriate and not frustrating
- Doors do not pull inward