Attn: Mr. David Bradley,
First, congratulations on winning the National Championship last night in Men’s basketball.
Second, because Duke has a great philosophy on basketball and you are the Director of Basketball Operations, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you a copy of my new book (forthcoming).
It is a compilation of emails and cc’s. (see below)
Again, congratulations on being Champions,
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
To: [withheld]
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Francis X. Clooney, S.J.,
Because you are the Director of the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard University, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy.
So I am sending you a copy of my new book (forthcoming). (see below)
Happy Easter,
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Sent: Fri, 03 Apr 2015 05:15:46 -0500
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Dr. Wallace Best,
Because you are on the Executive Committee of the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton University, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy.
So I am sending you a copy of my new book (forthcoming). (see below)
Happy Easter,
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
(It goes on like this…)
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Sent: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 16:14:45 -0500
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYHello Rev. Angell,
Because of the sign at your Church which quoted Mark 16:15, I am sending you the Gospel via email. This is the way I share the Gospel.
Keep up your good work.
Happy Easter!
Kevin Sparks Berry
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Sent: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:19:35 -0500
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Dr. Simon Smith,
Because you are Director of the Subject Centre for Philosophical & Religious Studies and act as Lead for the Higher Education Academy’s Educational for Sustainable Development project, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy.
So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey, Professor O’Hear, Dr. Hawking, Professor Pritchard, Professor Le Poidevin, Dr. Carlisle, Mr. Race, Dr. Thangaraj and Dr. Cantor. (see below)
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Sent: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 05:05:43 -0500
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Dr. Geoffrey Cantor,
Because you are Emeritus Professor in the Department of Philosophy at one of the four White Rose Universities and a member of the editorial boards of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy.
So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey, Professor O’Hear, Dr. Hawking, Professor Pritchard, Professor Le Poidevin, Dr. Carlisle, Mr. Race and Dr. Thangaraj. (see below)
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Sent: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 07:57:12 -0500
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Dr. M. Thomas Thangaraj,
Because you are D.W. and Ruth Brooks Associate Professor of World Christianity, Emeritus, and your current research focuses on Indian Christianity, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy.
So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey, Professor O’Hear, Dr. Hawking, Professor Pritchard, Professor Le Poidevin, Dr. Carlisle and Mr. Race. (see below)
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Mr. David Race,
Because you are one of the four student organizers of the White Rose Post Graduate Forum of the four White Rose Universities, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey, Professor O’Hear, Dr. Hawking, Professor Pritchard, Professor Le Poidevin and Dr. Carlisle. (see below)
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]
Sent: Sat, 21 Mar 2015 06:39:51 -0500
Subject: FW: THE ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHYAttn: Robin Le Poidevin and Clare Carlisle,
Because you are Editor and Book Review Editor, respectively, for Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey, Professor O’Hear, Dr. Hawking and Professor Pritchard. (see below)
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS
——–Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 1/28/15 2:09:00 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [so many withheld]Attn: Prof Duncan Pritchard FRSE,
Because you are the Director of Eidyn:The Edinburgh Centre for Epistemology, Mind and Normativity at The University of Edinburgh and Editor-in-Chief of Oxford Bibliographies:Philosophy, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey, Professor O’Hear and Dr. Hawking. (see below)
The best gift to give a Philosopher is wisdom.
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS I look forward to defending my position.
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 1/25/15 9:34:00 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Attn: Dr. Stephen Hawking,
Because you are the Founder of the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at University of Cambridge and wrote that philosophy is ‘dead’, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele, Dr. Garvey and Professor O’Hear. (see below)
You have free will to choose: Option 1) “eat” from ‘Tree 1’.
Option 2) “eat” from ‘Tree 2’.
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Best Wishes,
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS Every mathematician should be able to count to two.
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 1/20/15 6:20:04 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Attn: Professor Anthony O’Hear,
Because you are the Editor at The Royal Institute of Philosophy, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown, Dr. Mele and Dr. Garvey. (see below)
The best gift to give a Philosopher is wisdom.
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 1/20/15 5:20:25 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]Attn: James Garvey, editor of The Philosophers Magazine
I was reading Russell Blackford’s review of Mitchell Stephens’ account of the origin and rise of atheism and thought you might like to learn of the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, Dr. Brown and Dr. Mele (see below)
The best gift to give a Philosopher is wisdom.
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 1/17/15 4:42:03 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Attn: Dr. Mele,
Because you were the Director of the Big Questions in Free Will Project (2010-2013), I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Strickland (2), Dr Jopling, Dr. Naddaf, Dr. Verheggen, and Dr. Brown. (see below)
The best gift to give a Philosopher is wisdom.
Veritas Omnia Vincit.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS The biggest question in free will is whether to “eat” from ‘Tree 1’ or ‘Tree 2’.
Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 11/21/14 3:57:08 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Dear Dr. Brown,
Because you are Editor of Philosophy of Religion for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski (1), Dr. Flint (1), Dr. Hamilton (1), Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling (1), Dr. Naddaf (1), and Dr. Verheggen (1). (see below)
If a Philosophical question exists, then Philosophy exists.
John 1:2 KJV shows us a Philosophical question existed in the beginning of time.
Therefore Philosophy originated in the beginning of time; God created it.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS Adam had free will to choose whether to “eat” from ‘Tree 1’ or ‘Tree 2’.
Jesus had free will to choose whether to “eat” from ‘Tree 1’ or ‘Tree 2’.
Joseph Keeping has free will to choose whether to “eat” from ‘Tree 1’ or ‘Tree 2’.
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Date: 11/19/14 5:10:31 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Attn: Dr. Verheggen,
Because your publications include TRIANGULATION (2013), I thought you might be interested in the origin of Philosophy. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski (1), Dr. Flint (1), Dr. Hamilton (1), Dr. Strickland (2), Dr. Jopling (1) and Dr. Naddaf (1). (see below)
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS Joseph Keeping calls the Gospel a “primitive superstition” and refuses to believe. So he has chosen to “eat” from ‘Tree 2’.
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Subject: The origin of Philosophy? Answer: The Beginning of Time.
Date: 11/18/14 5:28:52 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Dear Dr. Naddaf,
Because you are interested in the origin of Philosophy and teach AP/PHIL 3095.03 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, I thought you would like to know when Philosophy originated. So I am sending you these emails to Dr. Koterski (1), Dr. Flint (1), Dr. Hamilton (1), Dr. Strickland (2), and Dr. Jopling (1). (see below)
As always, the best gift to give a Philosopher is wisdom.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS The answer is: The Beginning of Time
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Subject: The Same
Date: 11/15/14 5:49:52 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Dear Dr. Jopling,
Because you are Professor of Philosophy and teach AP/PHIL4075A-3.0 LIFE, DEATH, ABSURDITY, AND MEANING, I thought you might like to know what “The Same” is. See emails to Dr. Koterski (1), Dr. Flint (1), Dr. Hamilton (1) and Dr. Strickland (2) below.
The best gift to give a Philosopher is wisdom.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS God’s plan is not compatible with any alternative theory of man; there is no third ‘Tree’. “The Same” is ‘Tree 1’…….’Tree 1’ is the Tree of Life.
Methodists believe in the false theory of John Wesley.
Southern Baptists believe in the false theory of Billy Graham.
Lutherans believe in the false theory of Martin Luther.
Catholics believe in the false theory of The Pope.
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Subject: Re: “The Centre of Biblical Theology”
Date: 11/10/14 4:57:45 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Dear Dr. Strickland,
It is nice you have an interest in “The Centre of Biblical Theology”. Please know “The Centre of Biblical Theology” is not an organization or a theory**. It is a fact (Isaiah 28:10 KJV, Isaiah 28:13 KJV, Isaiah 28:17 KJV).
There are four principles^^ needed to know and understand the Bible: 1) Jesus never lied. 2) All scripture must agree. 3) No scripture can contradict. 4) God is the same yesterday, today and forever. These four principles are the same for everyone.
With these four principles you will discover the answer in John 1:2 KJV. The answer is The Same.
The Same is The Word…….The Word is The Gospel…….The Gospel is “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved”…….”He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” is The Line……The Line is The Precept…….The Precept is “The Centre of Biblical Theology”…….”The Centre of Biblical Theology” is The Gospel……..The Gospel is The Same…….The Same is the foundational scripture which was in the beginning with God and which all scripture must agree with in the Bible.
I hope your interest continues.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOS**Dr. Hamilton at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary believes it is a theory.
^^The Methodists told me the four principles.
From: kevin berry <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 6:18 AM
To: [withheld]
Subject: FW: “The Centre of Biblical Theology”Dear Dr. Strickland,
Because you teach THE6130 Christian Theology and THE7950 Black Theology, I thought you might be interested in “The Centre of Biblical Theology”. So I am sending you these three emails to Dr. Koterski, Dr. Flint and Dr. Hamilton. (see below)
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS Jesus tells us there are only Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:31-46 KJV). Sheep are people who “eat” from ‘Tree 1’. Goats are people who “eat” from ‘Tree 2’.
Jesus tells us there is Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30 KJV). Wheat is someone who “eats” from ‘Tree 1’. Tares are people who “eat” from ‘Tree 2’.
Psalm 1:6 KJV…For the Lord (Jesus) knoweth the way of the righteous (to “eat” from ‘Tree 1’): but the way of the ungodly (to “eat” from ‘Tree 2’) shall perish (in the end).
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Subject: “The Centre of Biblical Theology”
Date: 5/26/14 4:06:28 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Dear Dr. Hamilton,
I read your article titled “THE GLORY OF GOD IN SALVATION THROUGH JUDGEMENT”. I think you were very close.
I would argue “The Centre of Biblical Theology” is “The Gospel”. (see the emails to Joseph Koterski and Thomas Flint below)
“The Gospel” is the basis for God’s plan for the judgement of man from the beginning, until now and forever in the future.
I would have you think of it in this way: 1) All scripture must agree.
2) For all scripture to agree it must agree with one scripture.
3) The one scripture which all scripture must agree with is Mark 16:16 KJV.
I hope this helps you in your Biblical studies.
Kevin Sparks Berry, author of JESUS: THE PROTOTOKOSPS The Gospel is where the justice of God and the mercy of God meet. The Gospel is “the two-edged sword”.
——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Subject: FW: Logic and Reasoning
Date: 8/28/13 7:08:40 PM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Attn: Thomas Flint,
Because you are editor of Faith and Philosophy which is published quarterly by the Society of Christian Philosophers, I wanted to share my message to Joseph Koterski. (see below)
Please know: 1) No editor will ever find a third ‘Tree’.
2) No philosopher will ever find a third ‘Tree’.
3) No theologian will ever find a third ‘Tree’.
God’s simple plan will never change; there are only two ‘Trees’ to “eat” from.
Kevin Sparks Berry (University of Minnesota ’77)——– Begin forwarded message ——–
Subject: Logic and Reasoning
Date: 8/16/13 2:57:27 AM
From: “kevin berry”
To: [withheld]
Cc: [withheld]Dear Joseph Koterski,
This is very special and wanted to share it with you.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8 KJV).
God shows us He is the same yesterday, today and forever in Genesis 2:9 KJV and Mark 16:16 KJV. In these two scriptures God gives mankind a choice. God has given mankind freewill to choose which ‘Tree’ to “eat” from. If man “eats” from the ‘Tree 1’, he will receive eternal life with God in heaven. If man “eats” from ‘Tree 2’, he will receive eternal damnation.
In Genesis 2:9 KJV, ‘Tree 1’ is the Tree of Life and ‘Tree 2’ is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God’s plan was for Adam to have eternal life with Him in heaven by “eating” from ‘Tree 1’. But Adam, with his free will, made the choice to disobey the plan of God by “eating” from ‘Tree 2’.
In Mark 16:16 KJV, ‘Tree 1’ is the Gospel. The Gospel is “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved”. ‘Tree 1’ is the Tree of Life.
In Mark 16:16 KJV, ‘Tree 2’ is “he that believeth not shall be damned”. ‘Tree 2’ is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil.This was true when Adam was given the choice. This was true when Jesus spoke the words. This will be true forever. Mankind has free will to choose which ‘Tree’ to “eat” from: ‘Tree 1’ or ‘Tree 2’.
Kevin Sparks Berry
Dear Mr. Berry,
Because you are interested in the origin of philosophy, I thought you might be interested in a hug.