The tragedy of a forgotten friend

a tombstone with writing on it

When I was nine or ten, I read Animorphs… a lot. I was active on the message boards and even tried to write my own story.1 One of the posters became an online friend of mine, AniJB.2 She hacked my…

Our last tear

Person Putting Palm on Face While Holding Prayer Beads

I forgot my ex-fiancée’s hairstyle. I realized that while high, camping alone in Wyoming. I had to look it up, but the thought made me cry. I think about her daily, sometimes with nostalgia, sometimes with sadness or guilt, sometimes…

In defense of psychedelics

I didn’t drink regularly until I was 23 and I didn’t use marijuana until it became legal in Nevada, so when I say I tried LSD twice at age 35, it was a big deal for me. The motivation and…


It’s my golden birthday right now. Hard to be more meaningful than that. I was born 29 years ago right now on May 29, 1985. Snapshot of my life: I am moving out of my lovely house to move in…

Some more types of problems

My friend Benjamin Jagear used to always say to me, “Pixel – look at all of the problems in your life and ask yourself: how many of those problems were caused by your enemies and how many can be traced…

How to stay friends with an ex

It’s a multi-step process, actually.  I’ll divide it into Before, During, After, and Throughout. Before Be friends.  Let simmer for at least three months, but ideally six. Treat your friends and their friends well. Sprinkle good experiences throughout. During Don’t…

Stupid things you can do after a break up

I.  Go back to her Beg Plead Negotiate Claim to just want to “talk” Pretend that you just really want to go back to being her friend II.  Confrontation With her a.  In public b.  In private c.  Out of…

Nice Guys Screw Themselves

She calls you up late at night complaining about the latest jerk thing her assenine boyfriend did to her. You’re busy and you can’t use your phone for very much longer, but you stay on the line and listen because…