Tag: hypothetical

“So” questions

I started this post a year ago, then lost interest after I couldn’t come up with more than five.  This is a list of questions to ask someone you don’t know that well, but have to spend some time with.  (Say a date, collegiate dinner, stuff like that.)  The list is based on the assumption…

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Why being attacked by zombies might rock

I suppose you won’t bother with a corresponding Pros list, though for completeness’ sake – you really should. – Radioactive Jam said on Thursday, 4 October, 2007 Sudden food and electronics binge to die for. Never a dull day again. Your existential crisis will end… one way or another. Target practice: House of the Dead…

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Why being attacked by zombies might suck

There’s probably some drawbacks to the world being overtaken by zombies I’m not seeing. – Me, after seeing Resident: Evil; Extinction/ Constant body odor Odds are most of the beautiful women would keep their promises and die before they slept with you. Hot, running water might not last very long. Ditto electricity and heat. No…

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400 Bills

400 Bills. Wow, I feel like there should be a punchline to that. Or maybe the first half of a joke. Something, anyway. This was a thought experiment proposed by Drew. I was going to comment, but poot. I figured he’d appreciate it more if, instead of that, I just stole his idea. As to…

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