Tag: label

What’s a little labeling to you?

There are two types of labels that people use to describe themselves: accidental and essential properties (footnote to Aristotle*). I find these fascinating as I peruse ‘about me’ profiles throughout the Internet. The perceived essential properties always jump out at me, because these are the things that people think are really important about them. I…

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What’s a little questioning between friends?

This post continues an idea from yesterday’s post. When I was a kid I was always bad at Truth or Dare. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to share things about myself and it wasn’t because I was afraid of doing silly/stupid/dangerous/embarrassing things. No, I was bad at Truth or Dare because I never wanted…

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What’s a little labeling between enemies?

I have an avid interest in labels. I find it interesting to see what words people choose to call each other. I think it defines the person saying it more than the person they’re saying it about. For instance, a ‘friend’ of mine recently called a girl he knows a ‘ho.’ If you didn’t know…

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