Month: August 2008

There’ll be time enough to sleep when I’m dead… which will happen soon enough if I don’t go to sleep soon

92.  My head is a perfect sphere, to counteract this, I cut my hair in a very top-heavy way.  Also, I grow facial hair… all three and a half whiskers of it. The last line of this post, which I recently sneaked into my archives, was: Oh, yeah, and I couch surfed in Birmingham too.…

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The score to beat is 2

91.  I am not competitive by nature.  By which I mean I am, I just win all the time, so I have to pretend I’m not. My friend Frank came up with a fabulous thought experiment: In a given month, what is the maximum number of days you could spend with someone you know before…

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Why does everybody love Pixel?

90.  I’ve never made more than $7 an hour… yeah, I was getting ripped off for years, then I graduated and couldn’t find a job I liked or that paid well.  I’m ashamed of that. Dear World, So… I’m back.  But not really.  This next week I’ll be busy packing and then I’m going to…

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Another Way to Avoid Getting Mugged

Here’s another strategy. It requires: No will to live Assume you’re about to get mugged. Step 1.  Pull the pin to a grenade. Step 2. Hold it up and stare into the eyes of death. Step 3. Grin ear-to-ear menacingly. … Also, this requires a grenade. Related posts: How to avoid getting a ticket As…

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