20.5 and all’s well

My [label missing](s) is/are throwing a 20th and a half birthday party for me on Sunday, November 27th, 2005 in Lane Cove National Park.

Everyone who loves me should go… even if they have to take a 15 hour flight to get there 😀

Don’t you love how loving me is so trying on your wallet and patience?

You can RSVP by calling me at 0431563203.

Go ahead. I dare ya. The country code is 61.
to dial out of the United States dial 011

My [label missing](s) is/are throwing a 20th and a half birthday party for me on Sunday, November 27th, 2005 in Lane Cove National Park. Everyone who loves me should go… even if they have to take a 15 hour flight to get there 😀 Don’t you love how loving me is so trying on your…
