Dosage: Three tablets once daily, after food, during food, or before food. May be taken with liquids (not milk) if tepid (must be tepid) in glass (must be glass, plastic may cause combustion).

Side effects may include: headaches, backaches, kneeache, ankleache, elbowache. Stomach upset will probably occur but can be countered with whiskey. Lots of whiskey. Enough whiskey to drown a cat.

Bowel loosening should be expected, and should be countered using adult diapers. In case of movement, the manufacturer recommends you evacuate outside to prevent later cleaning, as evacuation is best described as being similar to ‘the unholiest stream of filth ever seen’. In case of need to clean, avoid using solvents as the combination will result in noxious gas released. Soap and water may be used, however, but without a sponge as a sponge creates a chemical circuit similar to C4.

Blindness common among those aged 8-19, 20-32, 33-89. Side effect is fleeting however, resembling a strobe light while moving. This may last up to fourteen days per single dose. Nausea common during dosage, as is ‘being hit by a rhythm stick’ during such times. Beats required to be fresh. Snap.

Fingers may grey overnight, if this happens do not call anyone and instead let nature run its course. Participants who follow this course of action are guaranteed fifty thousand dollars if they survive. Claims must be documented by a priest. Catholic or Baptist required. Both at once is not recommended in case one is right and the other is wrong and you end up in Limbo.

Hunger may arise early on in the dosage, rising sharply in the first twenty minutes before reaching a plateau at a point of ‘absolutely fucking ravenous’. Avoid food during this time, as the stomach will empty itself in approximately twenty seconds. This evacuation will occur suddenly from all orifices connected to the digestive tract. All orifices. A good place to stand during this time is probably the backyard. Or a neighbour’s yard. Depends who you like, really.

Hair will fall out during the first 24 hours, in large clumps. Remaining hair will turn green, then blue, then red, then spiders will hatch from each of your strands and flutter off in warm air breezes wafting up in the summer. Do not be alarmed. In fact, avoid alarm above all else as it may cause spontaneous burrowing among the spores.

Within twenty minutes of dosage, user may have sudden urge to take another dosage. In fact, this urge will become irresistible as the sun fairy ‘Ixlyzt’ may appear in a hallucination promising all manners of riches in return for another pill taken. During this time, it is advisable to chain yourself to something that will not be movable under any circumstances, such as a column made of concrete (steel is preferable). If this is not available, hamstring yourself and tourniquet your legs. You’ll thank yourself later.

‘Speaking in Tongues’ is common among the young, the middle aged and the elderly. Warn friends and family members not to call a priest, in case you get a superfluous exorcism. I’ve heard those can hurt like buggery. Heh! Priest- buggery… gettit? Gettit?!

During dosage, tablets may expand rapidly (‘like a tampon in a bottle neck’ my girlfriend puts it). If this happens, tilt back head and ‘deepthroat’ a chopstick. Avoid allowing chopstick to remain in windpipe, as it may inhibit breathing, walking, and living.

Mood swings are common, and may be accompanied by throwing of various debris at all sundry. During such times, bystanders should be encouraged to use mace to subdue patient. Tabasco sauce mixed with red pepper can be an effective substitute. Also, oven cleaner.

May cause heart failure. Um. If this happens… I dunno, we’ll send you a ham?

If symptoms persist, please call your doctor, shaman, or Rabbi.

Dosage: Three tablets once daily, after food, during food, or before food. May be taken with liquids (not milk) if tepid (must be tepid) in glass (must be glass, plastic may cause combustion). Side effects may include: headaches, backaches, kneeache, ankleache, elbowache. Stomach upset will probably occur but can be countered with whiskey. Lots of…


  1. Sometimes… well most times…. I worry for you.

    you should never say deep throat.
    any hand gestures associated with this word should always be avoided.

    … and hell… can you imagine… dude… tampons expand pretty damn big…

    what is it with you and images that make my brain burn.

    its futile, but i say it anyway.
    stop taking drugs!