Month: February 2006

Tao of Gabe: On Canadian Memories

Gabe the Magnanimous Beaver here to reminisce about my youth, so shut up, stupid! See, I was raised in French Canadia— don’t let this fool you, it’s just a reference to the type of kissing we do— and in Canada, we tell it like it is. Speaking of which, the invisible pink unicorn is behind…

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It’s not that I have nothing to say

It’s that I have no time to say it. I’d say more, but I accidentally let it slip that I have a blog to my coworkers and now they’re on the prowl. After what happened with my friends in Australia, I know better than to give my blog address to real people. 🙂 Related posts:…

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Would you like to buy some Gobi Juice?

My friend Jack is caught up in a pyramid scheme.  He’s turned into a snake-oil peddler. He called me today and asked me to go to his “Goji juice” meeting (I’ll call it “Gobi juice” from now on because it’s more humorous).ÂApparently, Jack has to bring in a new person every week in order to…

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Tao of Gabe: On Mass Guys

Tao of Gabe Gabe the Light-hearted Beaver here continuing his analysis of what happens when the human genders, XY and Roman numeral twenty, are forced into confined spaces for large periods of time. As you’ll recall, last week I gave an analysis of women. My analysis, from my extensive research into the archives of stuff…

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Guess what I have? Three staffi and four (individual) poi. I’m starting a New Mexican Pyromaniacs club. Oh, yeah. Related posts: I was supposed to wake up at 10… I’ve been up for two hours now. Have you ever woken up earlier than you had to? Yeah, me either. I’m thinking this is penis related.…

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WTF mate?

Hey, does anyone wish to submit and/or host the next WTF Carnival? To make this take off we need your help. 🙂 That is purely to supplement my own lack of involvement due to my selling my soul to the company store. Related posts: B’Day, Mate… So how ’bout I’m in Sydney, Australia eating “Potato…

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