What’s this? Why is it all going over me? Could it be that I am in over my head?

95.  My favorite books of all time:  Ender’s Game, The Count of Monte Cristo, the Little Prince.  I like them for different reasons: I can identify with a 12-year-old that was manipulated into xenocide (Ender’s Game), I really admire people that can get things done and who do what they say they’ll do (The Count of Monte Cristo), and I like lilliputian monarchs (Prince Charles).

Dear World,

Today was the Duke graduate student orientation, which, as Ashley commented,

It was weird. I felt very smart and very stupid all at the same time.

So, I survived the trip to North Carolina and made it out of my first day at Duke alive.  Which is good.  As my Tweet said earlier, that was definitely among my top two preferred outcomes.

I’m going back to set up my Internet now, so maybe I’ll be able to update more frequently.  I’ll keep you updated.

p.s.  I’m thinking I’ll change the layout of my site in the next few months.  You can cast your votes for colors/styles now.

95.  My favorite books of all time:  Ender’s Game, The Count of Monte Cristo, the Little Prince.  I like them for different reasons: I can identify with a 12-year-old that was manipulated into xenocide (Ender’s Game), I really admire people that can get things done and who do what they say they’ll do (The Count…


  1. I was just about to ask you how that went…so you’ve saved me the trouble of it! 🙂

    Ditto on the Count of Monte Cristo. I also love the not so famous sequels The Count of Monte Cristo gets cut off in traffic, and The Count of Monte Cristo gets woken up from his nap by the party next door.

  2. 1. You’re back now? So I can post my hundred things?
    2. Yay, I’m in your post.
    3. I’m going into my sixth day of orientation and I am just ready to DO IT ALREADY.
    4. I love Ender’s Game, but Speaker for the Dead is the shit.

  3. Kori,
    I know! I can’t believe I hadn’t read that until recently.

    No worries, sorry I’m so bad at telling the people that care about me that I’m alive. I get distracted, you understand.

    Yes, very yes, yess