
I just found out why we all hate parking tickets so bad. I mean soooo bad. You know, the fuck up your day kind of bad?

It’s because you got screwed… bad. And not in a cool way. Like when you buy gloves that are too expensive and you feel stupid? You just start wearing them more often to compensate for what you lost. It’s what we do with everything. If we get gyped, we make the best of it by changing the universe so that it’s not as bad a screw over as what you got. But with a parking ticket, you have nothing to show for it except for the paper and the vague feeling of getting racked in the nuts. It’s like we all (should have) felt when Bush was elected. It’s the getting screwed (gyped), but being unable to make it better. A virtual castration.. Fuck anyone that would knowingly give that feeling to anyone. Fuck ’em.

I just found out why we all hate parking tickets so bad. I mean soooo bad. You know, the fuck up your day kind of bad? It’s because you got screwed… bad. And not in a cool way. Like when you buy gloves that are too expensive and you feel stupid? You just start wearing…


  1. Either way should it have to make sense to the reader? Afterall this is your blog, your writing, all of you whether fragmented and confusing it is still yours. My diary gives me a chance to piece things together, brainstorm, observe myself. Perhaps your blog serves another purpose. I wish I was able to speak like this on a more frequent basis. Sometimes I feel my thoughts have left me.
    -You know who posted this?