Ind e-Pen 2, #I, New Year, but I must still M.A.W.P.

>>>ind e-pen>>>
<< vol. 2 BT 1 <<


Happy New Year, all! Yep, another 366 days down, and nothing to show for it, except for the new season of the Simpsons and a bunch of Animorphs books that I’ve been devowering at a rate of three a day. Hopefully some stuff will change this year (I’m looking at YOU:)

New Year’s Resolutions 2005:

I hope you all made some resolutions this year, because trust me, you need to. Anyway, I usually make 18 resolutions (one for each 20.3 days of the year), here are the top 16:

  1. Get Three Supermodel’s phone numbers (hopefully their correct numbers).
  2. Fall in love (not with myself this time)
  3. Buy a bean bag
  4. Live in an apartment, or at least in the outback.
  5. STOP losing money.
  6. Be on TV (hopefully along with 7).
  7. NOT get arrested (and if so, to not have it be 6).
  8. Paint my car (those purple flames are sending the wrong message.
  9. Have some excellent pie OR memorize 1000 digits of pi (either or. Whichever is easier).
  10. Visit some old friends (I’m thinking my World War II buds)
  11. Read five platonic dialogues (they’re great, but somehow, I don’t think we can ever be more than ‘just friends’).
  12. Finish the great american novel
  13. Make someone smile (and not by hurting myself, either).
  14. Memorize 1001 bad words and 5 poems
  15. Taze/Kill someone
  16. Not finish all my resolutions / create a paradox

Anyone willing to help with #15?

The Derogatives:

So I was trying to find out why there were so few ethnic slurs for white people and so many for other races when I found this awesome website.

Ha! It turns out that just about every race, color, religion, creed, nation, and stop sign has a slur for white people (of various religions, nations, and creeds).

Here’s a partial list. Feel free to use them, I did:

# Bolillo — Mexico, white people (bolillo is a white bread roll)
# Gringo — Latin America and Spain: Non-Hispanic U.S. national Hence Gringolandia, the United States; Not a pejorative term.
# Paddy — U.K./U.S., an Irish person (from the popular Irish diminutive of”Patrick”); term is also sometimes used by # Mexican-Americans — particularly in Southern California — to denote any white “Anglo”, regardless of specific ethnic ancestry
# Anglo — US, a white person
# Ang Mor (Kwee) — Hokkien speakers, Red Hair (Devil), a white person
# White Nigger — Southern US, an unrefined white person
# White Out — a bunch of white people (also a term for a severe snow storm)
# White trash — U.S., an unrefined white person – usually poorly educated
# Whitey — U.S., a white person
# Whopper — Denmark, an American tourist – usually overweight, called after the popular hamburger
# Wigger or Whigger — U.S./U.K., a white person who “acts” black
# Wiglet — U.S., a teenage or younger white person who is perceived to “act black”
# White-bread — middle-class white person
# White Cracker — U.S., a white person
# White Devil — U.S., (originated with Nation of Islam) a white person
# Bogan — Australia, universal term for white redneck. Some parts of Australia use equivalent terms such as Westie (Sydney term – as many live in the city’s western suburbs) and Bevan (Queensland term)
# Blizzard — U.S. negroes, a bunch of white people
# White boy — U.S., any white
# Wap — U.S., a white person who “acts” Japanese, by analogy to wigger.
# Wasp — White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Offensiveness questionable as many “wasps” self-identify as such (originated as shorthand term in sociology)
# Gubba — Australia — Aboriginal term for white people
# Bok Gwai — Cantonese, a white person. (literally means “white ghost”)
# Bule — Indonesian term for a white person, Literally means “albino”
# Casper the Unfriendly Ghost — U.S. Asians, an unpleasant white person
# Howlie — Hawai’i, whites. Considered to be extremely derogatory.
# Honky — also spelled “honkey” or “honkie“, U.S. blacks, a white person (derived from “hunkie”)
# Haole — Hawai’i, whites. Considered to be extremely derogatory.
# Ghost — China (Qing Dynasty), a foreigner, esp. a Japanese person (white people were “ghosts from the seas”)
# Ghost — Sub-Saharan Africa, a white person
# Ghostbuster — an Asian who beats up on whites.
# Fisheyes — U.S. Asians, a white person
# Charlie — U.S., a Vietnamese person (shortened from radio code for the Vietcong (V.C.): “Victor Charlie”); term also used by African-Americans (mainly in the 1960s and 1970s) to refer to a white person (from James Baldwin’s novel Blues For Mr. Charlie)
# Fig newton — a white person who acts black. Opposite of Oreo
# Egg — a white person who “acts” like an Asian (white on the outside, yellow on the inside)
# Coconut — U.S./U.K./Australia, a black or Hispanic person who is perceived to act “like a white person” (a coconut is dark on the outside but white on the inside); New Zealand, a Pacific Islander
#Cracker — U.S., a white person, esp. one in the South or Appalachia with a poor, rural background. Derogatory, though sometimes used self-referentially and interchangeably with “good ol’ boy”
# Convict — Australia, white/anglo Australian, used by aboriginal and ethnic Australians, derived from the first European settlers on the First Fleet in 1788
# Mat Salleh — Malaysia and Singapore — a white person; derived from mad sailor.
# Walpeople — U.S., working-class whites, supposedly frequent shoppers at Wal-Mart.
# Trailer trash — U.S., a rural white person living in a trailer park; cf. white trash
# Space Ghost — U.S. Asians, A white person perceived to have limited mental capacity. From a superhero character.
# Snowman — U.S. blacks, white person
# Snow Flake — U.S. blacks, a white person
# Skip — Australian — a white Australian of British descent — from the TV show Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Among ethnic youth, “skip” is the opposite of “wog”.
# Shit-Kicker — U.S., a white person from the southwest or lower midwest (example: Missouri & Oklahoma)
# Round Eye — Asia, a white person
# Redneck — U.S., an rural, unrefined white person (esp. a person from a southern or appalachian state)
# Quaker — a white person
# Porch Honky — U.S., lazy white person
# Polar Bear — a big, fat, white person
# Player Hater — U.S. Blacks, the white man
# Pilgrim — African Americans in Eastern U.S.(currently in use), a white person
# Peckerwood — U.S., a white person, especially Southern whites
# Palongi — Tongan, a White person (short for Papalongi).
# Opie Cunningham — U.S. blacks, a white boy (coined by Eddie Murphy to describe Ron Howard)
# Ofay — African Americans in Eastern U.S.(through early 1970s), a white person (pig Latin for ‘foe’ or enemy)
# M.A.W.P — North America; Murder All White People, Used by minorites to indicate their hatred of white people.
# Mall honky — an indiscriminate white consumer.
# Ice mutant — black supremacists, a white person

Whoa. There’s black supremacists now? How do I become one of Those?? See, because THEY actually have a good argument. Unlike those Mexicans… stupid Mexicans. Here’s some fun insults to use whenever you run into one of them.

Odds are they won’t understand you anyway: the only English they’re used to hearing is: “Food Stamps?”

# Landscaper — U.S., a Mexican
# Makhla — US Indian and Pakistani, a person of Mexican origin
# Beaner / Bean-Eater — U.S., someone of Mexican descent (sometimes applied to other hispanics)
# Border Jumper — U.S., an illegal Mexican immigrant
# Chicano — A person of Mexican descent born in the United States. This word is not always a slur, however it is sometimes used by native Mexicans as a derogatory term to insinuate that the person born in the United States is not a true Mexican and, therefore, a “lesser” Mexican.
# Chuntaro — Mexico, U.S., a rural Mexican immigrant
# Cockroach — U.S., a Mexican immigrant
# Gavacho — Mexico, a non-Mexican white person (See gabacho)
# Greaser — U.S., someone of Latin American descent, esp. Mexican
# Mexicans — Australia. In Sydney, a term used for people arriving from Victoria, which is south of the Murray River (analogous to the Rio Grande). A humorous term not intended to be offensive, but sometimes taken that way. Also a Queensland term referring to those from New South Wales.
# Mexican’t — U.S., an unemployed or low-paid Mexican immigrant, commonly illegal workers
# Pocho — Mexican Spanish word for a person born in Mexico living in the United States, usually illegally (See Mojado, Wetback)
# Wetback, wetter — U.S., an illegal Mexican immigrant (presumably having swum across the Rio Grande),

For Your Eyes Only:

1. Don’t you just HATE White People?
2. Please post one or more of your new year’s resolutions.
3. Please post one or more racial slurs.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>ind e-pen>>> << vol. 2 BT 1 << <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Introduction ================== Happy New Year, all! Yep, another 366 days down, and nothing to show for it, except for the new season of the Simpsons and a bunch of Animorphs books that I’ve been devowering at a rate of three a day. Hopefully some stuff…


  1. I had no idea that you knew the countries of the world song as well 🙂 I was at Stefania’s house the other day and she told me that you did it for open mic night once. That’s thrilling. I’m not the only person in the world who has it memorized 😉 Have a great semester Carlos!!!

    Love and God bless,


  2. Stick with it T-Rob, once you get to “India, Pakistan..” it’s all downhill. And aye, I remember singing that at Open Mic. Boy, I was a strange lad in my youth, was I not?


  3. Grr…

    That’s It! No more spam. From now on, only members may post. It’s either that or Moderation, and I know nobody (least of all me) wants me to moderate messages…

    Anyone else have any other solutions?

  4. sorry this is so late…

    1. Don’t you just HATE White People?
    yes, yes i do.
    2. Please post one or more of your new year’s resolutions.
    not to procrastinate.
    3. Please post one or more racial slurs.
    ill answer number 3 in a minute…

    damn born-again mexicans!

  5. Well, there’s egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam;

    Gotta love Monty Python


  6. also late…

    1. I don’t really know that many “white” people. Does Jack count?
    2. To do more missionary work.
    3. How inappropriate…wop(US, italian immigrant-means “without papers”)

    Kitty cats like milk.