Life 101 from the Guys Drinking 151 in Room 121

Dear world,

I mean this in the nicest way, but we have problems. I reckon they’re irreconcilable. Yup. You guessed it. It’s a four letter-word: girl… (s). *sigh* I’m beginning to think this just isn’t worth it anymore. I’m also beginning to think that I just don’t want to deal anymore. I’m tired of you all.
As a foolish man once wisely said,



Dear world, I mean this in the nicest way, but we have problems. I reckon they’re irreconcilable. Yup. You guessed it. It’s a four letter-word: girl… (s). *sigh* I’m beginning to think this just isn’t worth it anymore. I’m also beginning to think that I just don’t want to deal anymore. I’m tired of you…