Pix Capacitor VI-I

Yo, I finished yet another issue of my viewspaper.

*Ahem*, you can get the .pdf file here, but I must warn thee, if your compy lacks the necessary fonts, it’ll look silly.

So if you don’t have Comic Sans MS, Tengwar Cursive, Matisse ITC, Arial Unicode MS, Maiandra GD, AmeriGarmnd BT, Arial, Dotum, Century Schoolbook, Staccato222 BT, Freestyle Script, Abadi MT Condensed Light, China Grove 10, Showcard Gothic, Sylfaen, Confused 1, Century Gothic, Kabel Bk BT, Sabbath 1, Adventure, Goodfish, Century, Calisto MT, and Bodoni MT, it’ll look weird.

Non-Unicode fonts not presently available will be uploaded soon.
Unicode (i.e. friggin’ huge) fonts will be updated eventually.

p.s. your fonts folder is in C:WINDOWSFonts if you’re on a PC. If you’re on a Mac, you’re on your own… 🙁

Yo, I finished yet another issue of my viewspaper. *Ahem*, you can get the .pdf file here, but I must warn thee, if your compy lacks the necessary fonts, it’ll look silly. So if you don’t have Comic Sans MS, Tengwar Cursive, Matisse ITC, Arial Unicode MS, Maiandra GD, AmeriGarmnd BT, Arial, Dotum, Century Schoolbook,…