Month: April 2005

Shutting my Trap

Damn. Now, according to the modified poll results, I should shut my trap. So I have. Now all of the poor rabbits I’d caught earlier this week are going to die a slow, shady death. I kid, I kid. There’s not enough air in the traps for it to be slow. Anyway, it amuses me…

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Oh, my pouty lips

From Stephen D: It’s UNAMERICAN to pay journalists to promote GOP policies, then stonewall the investigation into who in the administration was behind it. It’s UNAMERICAN to blow the cover of a CIA agent and put the lives of her contacts at risk merely to get revenge against her husband for pointing out this administration’s…

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Deadly Corn, Anonymous Posts, and Tricky, tricky Latin

Genetically modified foods are crazy. It’s one of the reasons I don’t eat meat. Check this out: if cows eat genetically modified food (which is bad), and are themselves artificially kept obese, then logically they must be less safe to eat than, say, corn. Though not by much. But still, just wait until e. coli,…

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Angle-Grinder Man!!

My hero. If I only had the gall to be like him: Related posts: Ind e-Pen # XLIV, The love of a man and his Ro-but The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+44+++ Introduction ================== Rod Serling: Portrait of a man on the edge. Composing an elec-tronic mail to his fans, friends, and foes in the not too…

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If you’re gonna be good at something

I’ve officially created the second most popular group on nmsu facebook. Check it out: ASAPN. Also, I’ve created several unpopular groups (i.e. the arguers’ group, PeTA, and the cheese sucks association). And then there’s some in the middle (i.e. lower tuition, coke– not soda or pop, and the I didn’t vote for Bush group). In…

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Se Acabo!

It appears that people want more randomness. So, quarter whallop transexual left turn. Speaking of QWTLT, I finished all of my papers in the wee hours of the morn’. You should all be proud of me. No longer are deadlines looming over my head. Now it’s just my steadily withering libido and my sense of…

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