Month: June 2005

Fighting Truth Decay?

On Rock & Roll: “Madonna Dahmer?! Are you nuts? He’s Totally Twisted, Jason! That concert is no place for any Christian to be!” On Pornography: “1: Has your dad really been in jail? 2: Just overnight… He got picked up once with a 16-year-old girl… He was accused of date rape another time… But he…

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5 Greatest? Sure!

My top 5 list of the Greatest Americans ever, patterned on the Discovery Channel list. Their top five only sucked in that it had Ronald Reagan earning a spot (WTF??). Here’s my list: Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson* Abraham Lincoln Franklin Delano Roosevelt* George Washington – Πιξ * Not on AOL/Discovery Channel/America’s original top 5 list.…

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Life After the Oil Crash

Pfft. Humans. I hope the oil crash kills all the people that weren’t done in by Mad Cow, cell phone radiation, pollution, the government, and AIDS. Is that wrong of me? I mean, I’ve been driving a hybrid car since I graduated from high school and I’d be driving electric if it were available. But…

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That’s Warped

For years, all of my friends have gone to the Vans Warped Tour every year. I never have. I never felt like it. This year I do. But since the Warped Tour is so large and I might only get to see a minority of the bands, I decided to plan which ones I’d see…

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From an Essay Contest

When people hear that you disbelieve in something that they consider natural and normal, they usually have the same set of reactions: First, they ask , seemingly to try to understand your position. In reality, however, they;=’re trying to figure out where you ‘went wrong.’ They approach it like a math problem, hoping to find…

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Of course I Promise

Hmm… More from my ethics teacher J-P, Dying promises are allegedly a real big moral deal. You and your grandfather are shipwrecked on a desert island; he is dying from injuries, you from starvation. As he dies, he convinces you to promise to bury his body in some Catholic way. You promise, he dies. As…

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