Month: June 2005

Dignity makes your ethical theory weak in the pants

Have I ever told you that I have the greatest ethics teacher on the planet? Okay, I asked him this question: “Is there such an action that can be committed that, though everyone had full knowledge of it and it never hurt or prevented good to befall anyone whether physically, mentally, or emotionally– ever– that…

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100 Greatest Songs I’ve Ever Heard

Grr… I’ve been tagged. But I’ll remain “it” until I can come up with a good list of my favorite songs. Stupid forwards… grr… Related posts: 100!! And what better way to celebrate lucky #100 than by printing an unoriginal survey gacked from KJ Ramo, also known as Butt. 1. First Name? Carlos, Pixel, local…

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Muggles are bum codgers

I truly believe I may have underestimated myself again. See, I started rereading all of the Harry Potter books last week, hoping that I would be able to finish them before the release of the sixth book, but now that I’ve finished the fourth one, I’m afraid I may not last until the 16th. See,…

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S-K-E-I-G-H-T,,, no, wait, I mean SKATE

Subcultures are so weird. I went “Blading” with my friend “Jason” (not his real name… His real name is Jason Robert Davenport of 116 Hendrich, Chaparral, NM 88081). Now, for those of you “NOOBs,” “blading” is not to be confused with “boarding” or… “skating.” One of those. Probably both. Anyway, despite the fact that I…

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25 Greatest? Sure

My top 25 list of the Greatest Americans ever, patterned on the Discovery Channel list and along with this post. Susan B. Anthony… Neil Alden Armstrong Henry Clay*… Thomas Alva Edison Albert Einstein Henry Ford Benjamin Franklin Ulysses S. Grant*… Bill Gates Alexander Hamilton… Thomas Jefferson Lyndon B. Johnson… John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King…

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Love in Action

Dear friends of the blogosphere, I draw your attention to this fellow. It appears that a group called “Love in Action” is running a brainwashing camp for gay teens. Now, my friends over at Myspace are advocating for everyone who reads this to write a letter to this organization, to go protest, write to amnesty…

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