It’s econowe

Hm.. First my pop’s job goes to Mexico. So he follows. Then that job goes to China, so he finds another one. Then, two of my uncles in Mexico lose their high-paying, high-tech jobs. They both start up their own small businesses, but the going is rough. Now my aunt has come here to fix her papers, sell some property she’d bought when she was rich, and hopefully go back with more money than she left with.

She’s thinking of becoming a telemarketer whilst she stays with us.

I strongly suspect that the economy of the entire Western world is slowly dropping in favor to the economy of the Asiatic continent. Not that I’m against that or anything. I mean, Asia’s been pretty F’ed up these past few centuries, it’s about time someone there gets rich.

It’s just odd to start seeing shifts in what you’d known all of your life.

Hm. That’s it! The next post will be more light hearted! This is what I get for trying to let you all know that I might not be able to access the internet regularly anymore..

– ???

Hm.. First my pop’s job goes to Mexico. So he follows. Then that job goes to China, so he finds another one. Then, two of my uncles in Mexico lose their high-paying, high-tech jobs. They both start up their own small businesses, but the going is rough. Now my aunt has come here to fix…