A Hair Affair

After seeing two other guys with long hair and glasses on Wednesday, I have decided to cut off my half-meter long hair. I shall do this at the beginning of November so as to not interfere with my Halloween plans, but in the intervening 11 days, I’m going to try a wacky new hairstyle every day.

Submit your favorite and you might just get to see a picture of Pixel’s Wacky Hair.

Today’s Style is “17th century composers” (sans the white). What tomorrow will bring only you can decide. Submit early, submit often, submit now!*

* Submissions also accepted via comments. All hair becomes property of Pix Capacitor Inc., subject to taxation laws of your respective state, not valid in California.

After seeing two other guys with long hair and glasses on Wednesday, I have decided to cut off my half-meter long hair. I shall do this at the beginning of November so as to not interfere with my Halloween plans, but in the intervening 11 days, I’m going to try a wacky new hairstyle every…