Did I say I was going to check my e-mail?

I meant comb through my spam.

I meant comb through my spam. Related posts: Ha ha! The Parking Nazi Strike! They signed me up for SPAM!! Isn’t that great? My once SPAM-free e-mail address (pixel q [at] nmsu [dot] edu) is now loaded with SPAM. They stole my idea! Ha ha, they’re funny. Resentful. Morally… Satan’s Propaganda Advertising Mail SPAM. Before…


  1. my emails are not spam damn it.
    and who doesnt want to know how to increase their penis size..I mean come on.

  2. Ha ha! Suzi! My blog thought your comment was SPAM because it said the word ‘penis.’ Isn’t that wonderful?

    And no, your e-mails aren’t SPAM, but I get about 50 a day from SOMEWHERE (I’m guessing Yahoo, because some of them are almost eerily specific), and it’s annoying.