Month: June 2006


Why am I a vegetarian again? I don’t know if I remember the original reason, nor do I have any reasons of my own left.. I ordered a bean burrito just now at the local taco box (I laughed at the name too. It sort of kept me from going there for several days), and…

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The Pixatic method saves again!

Scene: Pixel designs a “National Roundup” page with news from all over the country. Because the wire isn’t so discriminatory, one of the stories is about Iraq and troubles in Baghdad. Pixel doesn’t think much of it and prints the page for proofreading. Actors: Pixel Q., 21, Journalism Drill Sergeant, late ’50s. JDS: (smiling) So…

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Bootcamp for journalists

Welcome to Clovis. In the 90 days we spend together, you will deal with incompetent overconfidence, inadequate computers and programs, miscommunication, discommunication, and remiscommunication all of which will be someone else’s fault, but you will still have to clean up after them. People will not explain what they want —or explain it in the abstract…

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