Month: March 2008

Iditarod, 2008

11. I can count the number of people I’ve kissed on one hand. Then again, I know sign language, so I can count to 999 on one hand. 🙂 So it may be more than 5, but it’s still a manageable number. Dear World, This past week, although I pretended to be doing awesome things…

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Garfield Minus Garfield

10. When I was ten, I thought about Superman and the movie Contact and wondered whether it was selfish for humans to assume that we were created in God’s image. It was a slippery slope from there. This just hilarious. ((Note: You have to read about a dozen of them in a row before you…

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When you shoud discuss religion with me

9. I trained my clapping for two years. Now I can do what I call the ‘Sonic Clap,’ which deafens all children and puppies in the area… and not clap in any other way.. I have compiled a list of times when people should discuss religion with me: When you agree with me. When you…

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I <3 My Mommy

7. I didn’t go to a “good college” after high school because my parents begged, threatened, and bribed me not to. Apparently, they were having some serious marital difficulties at the time and couldn’t bear the thought of me leaving them alone. As soon as I heard back from Duke, I called my mom. She…

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I’m such a devil

6. My brother lives in Fayetteville, NC. I have no idea what he does for a living. Soon, I will live in Durham, NC. While I don’t really get along with him, I’m nevertheless excited about getting to live near him. Dear World, I just accepted the offer I got from Duke University. Apparently, I…

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5. I have one brother.  I call him Paco because that’s his name.  At least that’s what it should be.  It sounds cool.  I also, say the DNA tests, have two half-sisters.  Since I always round down, I’m going to live the rest of my life as if I only had one sibling. Before he…

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