Month: March 2008

Is it bad to give up on someone?

23. About two days after the Columbine Massacre, I came to school wearing a trench coat. My psychology teacher got a kick out of it and took me to the principal’s office to ‘turn me in.’ Everyone laughed. Then, a class period later, security guards burst into my Spanish class and took me away. Apparently,…

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If it didn’t hurt, it wouldn’t be family

22. My brother’s birthday is today. He turns 26. I wish I’d started my 100 things about me four days earlier so that it would be coincidental. I once calculated that he was born 3 years, 2 months, 11 days, 1 hour, and 11 minutes before I was. ((With the 1 hour and 11 minutes…

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Are you Okay?

21. I have a birthmark on my leg that’s more of a Rorcharch test than anything. I see the ghost of Mickey Mouse. What do you see? In civilized conversation, there is no more selfish phrase in the English language than “Are you okay?” ((The first person that comments “Are you okay?” is no longer…

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I’ll eventually stop posting about this

20. I’m a boy! So today I received a letter detailing my award package for my first year at Duke. Apparently, it’s a $64,281 value. ((Most of that is them paying themselves their own tuition, but it also includes health insurance, fees, and a stipend.)) I was on the phone with my friend Frank, discussing…

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Immanetizing the Eschaton

19. I have superior powers of reasoning, oratory, mathematics, and most everything else. But don’t worry: I only use my powers for good, evil, and to show off. Like most people, I have a list of historical figures I plan on snuffing out as soon as I figure out how to go back in time.…

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F’ing with SEO

18. I once memorized pi to 1000 places. Actually, that’s not true, I memorized 20 places, then started making up numbers. Surprisingly, nobody called me on it. In the hopes of writing a slightly different post that the last one like this, I’ve decided to screw with anybody who might find a portion of this…

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