Month: May 2008


79. I’ve needed glasses since I was in fifth grade, but I didn’t get them for eight months because my mom couldn’t believe that her darling son didn’t have perfect vision. How F’ed up is that? I start a lot of projects without finishing them. Sometimes I start them never intending to finish them. One…

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Enter now, supplies are limited, entry is not

77. My parents immigrated to the United States in 1987. As a direct result, I sort of want to thwack people whenever they talk about immigration (illegal or otherwise). Frankly, there are very few people I consider qualified to talk about the subject in any in-depth way. I’m doing it. I’m going to have a…

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Sometimes I feel my life is a Dinosaur Comic

76.  I’ve kept a digital diary since Sunday, November 19, 2000.  Nobody will ever read it, but it’s really whiny and tells a lot of secrets that I’ll take to my grave.  I’d delete it, but it sort of reminds me of how far I’ve come: now I whine to the world. Dear World, I…

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Silly media

75. I went into college as a Journalism major and graduated as a journalism major, but I never had any illusions of desiring to be a journalist. 🙂 I actually hate it when people attack ‘the media.’ I’ve probably stated why in the past, but for those of you too lazy to click on links,…

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It’s not about charity, it’s about the humanity

74. I sometimes wonder what constitutes a ‘kiss’ or a ‘first time’ or ‘taboo in most cultures.’  I wonder about this for reasons that I’ll take to my grave… unless you read this and choose to e-mail me. There are three timely things that I wish to post about today, so I’ll order them by…

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One more thing that will never come to pass

73. My home town is not incorporated, but some estimates put us between 10,000 and 25,000 people. I also live about ten minutes from El Paso, Texas and a half an hour from the Mexican border. So I’ve grown up with a very weird sense of identity. We’ve reached the era of 24-hour news programs…

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