Month: May 2008

Who’s more to blame: me for writing this, or you for reading it?

72.  Every male member of my extended family (on both sides) can grow awesome facial hair.  My brother and I, however, cannot.  It’s embarrassingly frustrating. I feel like a Sonnet-writer that has never been in love.  Or a rock and roller that does not have a ‘baby.’  Or a Hallmark greeting card writer without a…

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Do I owe Arty Nielsen more than I owe Stevey Carell?

70. I tricked my parents into getting me a cell phone senior year by pretending to not want one while giving them reasons I should have one. Then, the day after I got it, I accidentally left it inside an ice chest where it promptly short circuited. I had to take it apart, dry, and…

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Temptation Toilet Zero

69. I sometimes start projects knowing I’ll never finish them.  But I’ve haven’t fallen through on a promise since the last millennium. Here you go!  It’s a comic we’re working on that’s based on a column we once worked on that I alluded to here. Mieke, the ambiguously foreign character is on the left. Joey,…

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Post Hoc Ergo Propter Awesome

68. Whenever I hear that people voted for Bush in 2004, I sort of lose a little bit of respect for them. Wasn’t there enough information out by then for everyone to have made an informed decision? *sigh* So I was hanging around with my friend Daniel and his gf Ana yesterday when they told…

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Humor in Inappropriate Places, or HIP

67. I drive a white 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid. My parents got it for me after high school so that I would stay in New Mexico. It claims to get 47 miles to the gallon, but it really only gets about 40. The mileage meter lies to me. While we’re all waiting for my friend…

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Street Smarts vs. Book Smarts (part 1 of 2)

66. Even though I usually get in the 99th percentile in standardized tests (both academic and IQ), I don’t believe in standardized tests. At all. They don’t measure anything except for how well the participant can study for them. Believe me, I’ve boosted my scores by hundreds of points at a time without increasing my…

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