Okay, so.

Okay, so I’ve posted less than once per month in 2012. I apologize. I was busy carpeing the diem.

So what’s important for my freaders to know: I am now officially getting paid to think. I have 18 months of funding with no obligations except for writing my dissertation. I’m still working on that pesky Ph.D.

Anyway, Moof just tagged me with a meme. Thanks Moof! Congrats on your recent life changes! ((I’ve known her for many years– and even met her once!– so I was super pleased to see she finally found happiness.)) She knows better than anyone that I like to mess with memes, so instead of answering the meme as it is, I’m going to mutate it and make it what I want it to be. *ahem* Here are the new rules:

  1. link to your nominator to say thank you.
  2. post 5 facts about yourself.
  3. answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
  4. create 5 really awesome questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. tag someone.

(I mostly changed 11’s to 5’s. I only have 45% of the time that I used to.)

Facts about myself

  1. I listen to more podcasts than I do music. I have 30,000 songs, but only listen to about 200 of them (on repeat) if I ever feel like music.
  2. I should not have tried to get a Ph.D. I still feel like I have so much to do in the world before I get locked up in a career. Is that weird? I want to travel and be stupid, not make mortgage payments and find love.
  3. I spend more time hanging out with people I don’t like than people I do. This is because I don’t like saying no when people want to hang out with me – and most of the people that want to hang out with me are people I’m not too fond of. I got really lucky in high school and undergrad to find worthwhile friends, but somehow grad school has turned into non-fun times. In 2012, I tried to triage the situation by only accepting commitments at the last minute (unless they were from people I really liked), but I’m going cold turkey next year. Guilt-Free in 2013.
  4. I have been faking my eyeglasses prescription for three years. I’ve used my graphic design skillz to make it seem as if it were still current when it is not. I think I’m going to do a legit test next month.
  5. I’ve started teaching and I think I’m really good at it. I’m just really bad at grading. Is there a way to have the former without the latter?

Answering Moof’s Questions

  1. If you could say anything (totally uninhibited) to anybody in the world (living or dead), what would it be, and to whom?
    This may just be that I’m here at home, but I’d tell me brother that he is the architect of his own destruction. I worry about saying too many negative things about him
  2. What’s the most embarrassing nickname someone has called you?
    I go by ‘Pixel’ a lot. ‘Losylos’ with my friend Breezybre. ‘Los’ with other friends. ‘Mr. C’ with my friend Mr. D. But I guess my mom takes the prize by calling me ‘Cuisiricui’ for most of my life.
  3. What makes you feel most alive?
    Skrillex. And lemonade. Also, watching Die Hard while kickboxing in a tuxedo.
  4. Where’s the best place in the world to write a poem or song?
    I have a sunroom that’s pretty sweet. But I also have this dream in my head
  5. How do you pronounce “meme,” “potato,” and “Toronto”? (Spell it out phonetically!)
    I believe meme is meant to rhyme with ‘gleam.’ Poh-tay-toe. Toe-rahn-toe. Did I mispronounce any of those?
  6. What’s your favourite restaurant, where is it, and what’s the best thing on the menu?
    My favorite restaurant is Remedy. It’s a vegetarian restaurant and when I went there, it was the first time in my life in which I didn’t have only one or two options from which to eat. It was overwhelming. So… everything.
  7. Is there one thing that your significant other, or best friend, or family member does that really annoys you (yet you know you’d miss it if they ever went away)?
    My mom insists on telling the same stories constantly. Or she turns on music and leaves the room, forcing me to listen to her radio until I realize what’s going on.
  8. Tell us about your first love in 140 characters or less (like a tweet).
    Fell in love with my best friend, she left, we dated, and it ended. I didn’t miss her for a long time and then I did.
  9. Would you rather have eyelashes that grow out forever, or one length of hair on your head that never changes length or requires a hair cut?
    Why, WHY, why, why would anyone choose the first option? Never needing a haircut would be nirvana!
  10. Are you a dog person, a cat person, or some other animal kind of person (and what’s that animal)?
    I like chinchillas. The right kind of dog is the best, but a decent cat beats most other dogs.
  11. What’s one song you could listen to forever and ever and never get tired of it?
    I have been shuffling for 453 consecutive days. So… LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem.” I’m also super fond of “We’re Going to be Friends” by the White Stripes.

My questions for other people

  1. Who do you want to be in ten years?
  2. What would you do if you knew for certain that anything you tried would be successful?
  3. When will you consider yourself successful/happy?
  4. Where have you never been in which you might consider living the rest of your life?
  5. Could you pass the Pepsi Challenge for every person you’ve ever kissed? That is, could you, while blindfolded, identify each of them?

And I tag… narfna , alicia, and angelaboration. I’ve been AWOL so long, I’m not sure if I have any freaders left. If you consider yourself one, consider yourself tagged as well.

Okay, so I’ve posted less than once per month in 2012. I apologize. I was busy carpeing the diem. So what’s important for my freaders to know: I am now officially getting paid to think. I have 18 months of funding with no obligations except for writing my dissertation. I’m still working on that pesky…


  1. Thanks for playing Pix!! 🙂 It’s so good to hear from you. I wasn’t sure you would see my blog post. I’m going to answer your questions because they’re good ones.

    1. Who I am today but wiser with experience and adventure, and untarnished by cynicism that seems to be just kept at bay at this point.
    2. Convince TN to move to Rome with me, start up a cafe/jazz lounge, where I could be the successful club owner, and he could be the star of his own brilliant talent.
    3. When I’m able to be honest with myself and those around me, and take those risks that I’m too apprehensive or insecure right now to take.
    4. Hawaii. (We’re going in January, so this won’t be valid in the new year.) Or Fiji.
    5. No way. There are many that occurred while slightly inebriated. (TMI.)