Worth a Gigabyte of memories

When I was 16, my friend decided to go on a midnight hike across a mountain. Not wanting him to die, I went with him– wearing all black– across a mountain that was 40 km across (or 22 gallons).

By the time we came out on the other side, the sun was cooking me alive and we were afraid we’d collapse in dehydration and die.

Since then, I have never once complained about the cost of petrol (or petroul). It’s a luxury. I would rather pay $10 than have to hike to Lane Cove National Park in the rain… again.

Speaking of which, my 20.5th birthday party was yesterday. I spent 4 hours walking in the rain trying to find the bloody location that I kept reassuring everyone really existed. I even crossed a river to get there.

I literally crossed a river in the rain.

So the ‘high water’ part of ‘neither hell nor high water could keep me away’ came true.

Speaking of which, my 1GB jump drive is dead. I’d yell, but what’s the use? These electronic things are far too life-consuming anyway.

To recap:

  • that is one digital camera broken,
  • one lost 128MB jump drive,
  • one broken 128MB jump drive,
  • one ruined GB jump drive,
  • one royally demolished laptop computer,
  • and one broken watch since I’ve been in Australia.

Not to mention the FIVE (5) jump drives and the PDA that I found and gave back or the other jump drive that I found and kept.

Interesting semester for me technologically.

And in other ways too.

When I was 16, my friend decided to go on a midnight hike across a mountain. Not wanting him to die, I went with him– wearing all black– across a mountain that was 40 km across (or 22 gallons). By the time we came out on the other side, the sun was cooking me alive…
