This should be fuuuunnnn

100 Things about Me, pt. 100 of 100

100. I have no middle name, but the middle letters of my first and last name are “arlo” “arisca.” That amuses me because it over emphasizes the a’s.

For the previous one hundred posts, I posted one new fact about me just so that you could get to know me better. I hope it helped. If I missed anything you want to know, let me know, I’ll go rewrite some of the 80s and 90s. They were pretty lame. Comments and complaints are appreciated.

Note: I wrote this post three months ago, if some new fact about me came up since then, it is not reflected in this 100 things about me list.

100. I have no middle name, but the middle letters of my first and last name are “arlo” “arisca.” That amuses me because it over emphasizes the a’s. For the previous one hundred posts, I posted one new fact about me just so that you could get to know me better. I hope it helped.…