Month: April 2009

Reasons to go back on Facebook

Current Mood: Sort of worried and feeling like I got shocked in the sack a little bit. Sarah doesn’t really worry me, because she’s in Pennsylvania and she’s been too stressed lately, so the cause is probably just her own body trying to do a coup d’état . Ange, however, does worry me a bit. …

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Ten things you do not want to figure out after the fact

You should back up your hard drive. Often. Birth control is important. It is immoral to steal someone’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No one wants to hear knock-knock jokes or limericks at a eulogy. Baldness is hereditary. It is inadvisable to have pornography as your desktop image, especially if you are going to give a presentation. Felix…

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Pearls before Swine

I have a lot of family in old Mexico.  They greet each other (and strangers!) with kisses on the cheek.  They are very nice people. Mexico warns no kissing as 81 dead in swine flu outbreak Shit. But most of my immediate family and friends: the people I grew up with… most of them live…

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Things that are sketchy and things that are not

(Hey guys: I’m trying to come back slowly into the Internet.  Here’s something silly.) I was just asked for money in a parking lot outside of a Burger King. The man, ‘Jared,’ wanted $5 to ‘call his mom.’  I slowly shifted into reverse, rolled up my window, and idled out of there. I drove around…

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Callooh! Callay

I usually don’t use my blog as a repository of feelings.  So rather than do that, I’ve decided to present to you another adventure in my anti-life.  In case you don’t know, an anti-life is the exact opposite of the life you currently lead.  I introduced it a long time ago because I thought if…

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