Sarah in Keystone

Ten things you do not want to figure out after the fact

  1. You should back up your hard drive. Often.
  2. Birth control is important.
  3. It is immoral to steal someone’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  4. No one wants to hear knock-knock jokes or limericks at a eulogy.
  5. Baldness is hereditary.
  6. It is inadvisable to have pornography as your desktop image, especially if you are going to give a presentation.
  7. Felix the Cat is not a useful way to get across to today’s youth.
  8. Women do not like having to pay for their own meals on first dates.
  9. Your fly was down all day today… and nobody was impressed.
  10. Gödel’s second theorem is going to be on the exam.

You should back up your hard drive. Often. Birth control is important. It is immoral to steal someone’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No one wants to hear knock-knock jokes or limericks at a eulogy. Baldness is hereditary. It is inadvisable to have pornography as your desktop image, especially if you are going to give a presentation. Felix…
