Ind e-Pen # XLIV, The love of a man and his Ro-but

The Ind e-Pen

Rod Serling: Portrait of a man on the edge. Composing an elec-tronic mail to his fans, friends, and foes in the not too distant future. A future populated by ro-buts, wars on ideas, and strange folk in full color. This future is strange indeed, but for one man it will soon get stranger. For his message will take a detour before anybody reads it. A detour through– the Twilight Zone.

Me: Stupid Printing Place had to take so friggin’ long… and I worked my bum off to research the information on this cool graph, too. Hmm… what if I just attach it to this e-mail? Surely people will open it and be better voters for it? Surely…

Guidelines to Surviving a Twilight Zone Episode

  1. You are wrong.
  2. The man you think is crazy is right.
  3. Children are scary.
  4. Do not bet, do not take a bet, in fact, just advise everyone to not bet.
  5. Anybody who is afraid has good reason to be afraid.
  6. Your fear of something is worse than the actual thing.
  7. Do not wish for anything, because it will come true.
  8. Ro-buts are evil. A healthy distrust is good.
  9. Except when they are not and the healthy distrust causes bad stuff to happen.
  10. War is terrible. If you live in a nation at war, try to spend as much time as possible in a bank vault.
  11. Kids’ toys are evil. Do not let anyone give your kid a toy.
  12. Unless it’s Christmas.
  13. When encountering aliens, walk softly and carry a big stick.
  14. Sure, Death is reversible, but not in any fun way.
  15. Mr.Death is actually nice once you get to know him, but you probably won’t live through the encounter… just like Martha Stewart.
  16. Stay away from time travelling planes or planes with people recently released from a mental institution
  17. Absolutely NEVER take part in a bet that involves a dead man.
  18. If you don’t join your crazy friend, you’ll regret it.
  19. All your faults will be reversed– but only for a limited time!
  20. If you have a super power, it will kill you.

Types of Love You may have for me:


  1. Limerence (basically just infatuation)
  2. Charity (aww… thanks. Unfortunately, this requires no love back from me. Sorry)
  3. Lust (please, please, please, please)
  4. Companionate (basically, the Will to my Grace)
  5. Fatuous (ha ha! I just called you Obeseuous!)
  6. Consummate (not likely… so sad)


  1. Conjugal (visits?)
  2. Erotic (YES!!!)
  3. Agape (as in to the gods, I’m not That cool– yet)


  1. Maternal (as in motherly, eew…)
  2. Paternal (as in fatherly, eew, yet strangely conforting..)
  3. Fraternal (as in brotherly)
  4. Platonic (as in friendly)


  1. Patriotism (All hail Pixelonia!)
  2. Dignity (… wait…)
  3. Integrity (huh?)

Top thirteen Emotions You may feel

  1. acceptance (I guess if that’s what you want to feel..)
  2. anger (You Better Not!)
  3. anticipation (Oh, I can’t wait to see if you choose this!)
  4. disgust (Ugh. It’s just like you, too)
  5. fear (Please don’t choose this. I’m ever so scared)
  6. guilt (It’s my fault you chose this…)
  7. hate (SCREW YOU, YOU UGLY FACE!!!!)
  8. joy (Yey! You’re joyous!)
  9. jealousy (I wanted to be jealous)
  10. love (… wait. What Type of Love?)
  11. remorse (Oh, if only I had been remorseful)
  12. sorry :(That sucks)
  13. surprise (Yah! I never expected That one!)

A Small Quiz:
I’m gonna go with… Cassie! For posting the excellent picture of Butt. Ha ha! Oh, awesome hat. Anyway, she gets a free Pix Capacitor. And Butt, for being an excellent picture of Butt- Gets nothing. HA!

This Week:

  1. Have you ever heard of Paul Krassner ( Apparently he’s cooler than we are. And I don’t say that lightly because I’m pretty friggin’ cool.
  2. How do YOU pronounce “robot?”
  3. How do you love me? Or is it another emotion you feel?

Serling: His elec-tronic message is over. But now the true test begins. For his message will now reach about three people just on the other side of– The Twilight Zone.

The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+44+++ Introduction ================== Rod Serling: Portrait of a man on the edge. Composing an elec-tronic mail to his fans, friends, and foes in the not too distant future. A future populated by ro-buts, wars on ideas, and strange folk in full color. This future is strange indeed, but for one man it…


  1. Damnit Carlos,

    I should get something! I mean I am Butt after all.
    This Week:
    1: hellz no nigga. i aint down wit dat jawn.
    2: rowe-bott
    3: are you talking about the love between a man and a woman, or the love between and man and a fine cuban cigar?



  2. Damnit Carlos,

    I should get something! I mean I am Ro- after all.

    This Week:
    1: hellz no nigga. i aint down wit dat jawn.
    2: rob-butt
    3: are you talking about the love between a man and a woman, or the love between and man and a fine cuban cigar?

