Month: December 2004

Ind e-Pen # XLIX, only three more baby, only three more…

The Ind e-Pen +++vol+1+++BT+49+++ Introduction ================== Finals week! Yey! Go world! Now we can have a month off from stress and school where all we have to worry about is about what to get people for Kwanzaa or Channukah and whether our relatives twice removed really DID say that about us and “oh, you can…

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A puzzle

You are faced with two guys: Ni and Nii. One of them always lies, one of them always tells the truth. You have one question. With that question you must find out who the liar is, who the truther is, and what their names are… Post solutions here. The winner gets a free Pix Capacitor.…

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I just found out why we all hate parking tickets so bad. I mean soooo bad. You know, the fuck up your day kind of bad? It’s because you got screwed… bad. And not in a cool way. Like when you buy gloves that are too expensive and you feel stupid? You just start wearing…

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Open Letter to the Nazii

Dear Nazii, Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, go fuck yourselves, fuck you, you fucking suck, why can’t you get real jobs you sadistic bastards? Fuck you. Also, you fucking suck monkey nuts. Fuck you. Where is the money going? We pay all of this money all of the time and WHERE is it? What…

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