Sweet Merciful CRAP!!

Oh, dear! I just found out that someone likes someone else, but only when that other person wears cornrows in his (or her) hair. Not only that, but I found out that someone really likes to sodomize other people’s stuffed animals!! And has been doing it all along to what’s her name’s favorite bear!! Oh, my gosh! Isn’t it crazy! But just don’t tell You-Know-Who that you heard it from me, okay!

Oh, and quick clue for those of you that might still not get it: Someone #2 DOESN’T have black hair. ::wink wink::

… Gosh I wish I gave a crap about my friends’ problems.. I wish my friends had problems, that way I wouldn’t have to make up an entire circle of friends with melodramatic problems.

this rambling by mr pix at 2/13/2005 08:17:00 PM hasan infinite amount of fans

Ha ha, just kidding. I’m funny.

Oh, dear! I just found out that someone likes someone else, but only when that other person wears cornrows in his (or her) hair. Not only that, but I found out that someone really likes to sodomize other people’s stuffed animals!! And has been doing it all along to what’s her name’s favorite bear!! Oh,…