I said it was libel, but I wrote down slander

Trumpet Rob is a brutal monster.

He has green scales too.

A very brutal monster indeed.

And the beauty of it is that if he tries to sue me for slander, he’ll be laughed out of court! It’s libel, silly, in print it’s called libel.

Besides, I claim priviledge. And absence of malice. Also, it is the truth.. furthermore, I have no idea what he’s talking about and I wasn’t responsible.

Trumpet Rob is a brutal monster. He has green scales too. A very brutal monster indeed. And the beauty of it is that if he tries to sue me for slander, he’ll be laughed out of court! It’s libel, silly, in print it’s called libel. Besides, I claim priviledge. And absence of malice. Also, it…


  1. I hate you… And where the hell did I get green scales from? Silly boy, Judge Judy will be knocking on your door.

    -Jackson 5