Land Down Under

Seth has asked me numerous times to post about Australia. Apparently, this land holds the same place in his heart that my 6th grade playground holds for me (seriously now: I’m not being facetious. We both realized something in the respective thens that changed the way we viewed the world).

I’ve avoided posting about it for that reason (and because I didn’t know what to post on), but it’s time I stop postponing the event and write about how fantastic– as in from a fantasy– life in Australia legitimately is. I’ve been hit with intense appreciation for the land and my time here recently that I just cannot convey in words. It’s time I write an eloquent blog and post several awe-inspiring landscape pictures so that you can understand a minute fraction of what I am living in.

It’s time. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to go through with it.

Ha ha, suckers!

Seth has asked me numerous times to post about Australia. Apparently, this land holds the same place in his heart that my 6th grade playground holds for me (seriously now: I’m not being facetious. We both realized something in the respective thens that changed the way we viewed the world). I’ve avoided posting about it…