Month: October 2005

Accepting Vagueness

When I was a young lad, I always had a problem with knowing where I stood with regards to my friends. Sometimes they didn’t know I existed (literally), other times they were the ones that were imaginary. I was always trying to find certainty. I would say, “I don’t care if you love me or…

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Living in the When

Pop philosophy: Carpe diem. Pix philosophy: I’m living in the When. I realized something the other day. I’m in friggin’ Australia! I am literally on the other side of the planet. WTF? I’m going to be telling stories about this time in my life and about the people that I met while I was here…

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When you’ve had enough humor… have Anti-Humor!

A priest, a rabbi, and a buddhist monk walk into a bar, sit at the end and start having some drinks. Two hours later, they come out with a better understanding of each other and a mutual respect, the beginnings of a friendship that last a lifetime. So this guy dies right and he goes…

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Stoned in San Francisco

Dear Gabe, My brother is an anti-conformist, but such to the point that he aggravates poeople and makes things hard on everyone, especially himself. Can you supply any advice to him on ‘bending like the grass’ vs. ‘falling like the oak. ‘ ‘S’ed n’ F’ed’ Dear Stoned, You expect me to answer your letter. No…

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¡Ay Dios mio! ¡Hay una hacha en mi cabeza!

I’ve been asking everyone I know who speaks a different language to tell me how to say this. Aren’t you glad I’m representing New Mexico so well? Related posts: Hay otra mujer… y se llama Nuevo México Why am I leaving Australia again? I know there’s a reason. A sure-fire, sealed and accepted, unavoidable reason,…

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The [label missing] Post Ever!

I’ve decided to stop labeling my friends. The labels were meant to be general guidelines in the first place. They weren’t supposed to be the be-all and end-all of friendship. It shouldn’t have been the case that I try to fit everyone into a label, but I started doing it and I’m sorry. Indeed, I’m…

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